Tony Anguiano

I was raised in Rubidoux, California. A lot of my art has to deal with my childhood, memory, culture, identity and my wellness journey. I live with mental disabilities and PTSD. I like to make art that feels personal. Through my art I’m sometimes wrestling with faith or isolation. Other times I’m attempting to find solace within a memory. Ultimately my goal with each piece is to communicate an emotion or a narrative. Aesthetically I pull inspiration from my love of pop art, comics and impressionism. In a way I feel I’m working in the tradition of surrealism, using art to understand my subconscious and brain functionality. I’ve also been exploring materials that I remember my father and mother using around the house.

My current work in progress is an ode to a special time in my past. I think it was around January 2005. I was about 15 years old. I remember hanging out with my now wife, Sarah and our friend Marcos. We were in Marcos’ parents garage trying to play a Slowdive cover. Something about how sad we all were together, and the silhouettes of palm trees and power lines overlapping each other in the night sky. Something about that time I’m trying to capture and share with you.

artist bio dos.mp4