VIS 110H. Book as Art Medium

"The book as an alternative to gallery and museum offerings allows a democratization of art, a decentralization of the art system, since books can be distributed through the mail, through artist-run shops, through friendship; books take up less room are portable, practical and democratic, and create a one-to-one relationship between consumer and artist, between owner and creator." – Judith A. Hoffberg

An introduction to the book, its diverse forms and uses, and design principles. The digital publishing projects incorporate both concept and layout to bring answers to the artist's book question.

Musings is a collection of artworks, poetry, and reflections from women in Lucy Bell’s life who are otherwise strangers to each other. Threaded together, the works focus on women and act as connection in a time of isolation.

A digital publication by Yan Yu. A collection of personal texts and images documenting a fragmented self-identity, from 2018 to 2019.

This photo book documents UCSD students’ transportation in real life in a format inspired by Dr. Seuss. Contrasting what students expect and their reality, it critiques the struggles in this aspect of student life.

An illustrated collection of information about the Yakuzas, featuring their origins, structure, rituals, and some more intimate moments.

This book contains a series of artwork. The art describes the story of a person who had lost his identity as a result of copying other people’s character. When the character finally discovers he was living a lie.

A collection of poetic truth as told by survivors of sexual violence. Somaly Son recounts and visualizes the faces and experiences of five survivors who she had conversations with. This journal is merely a glimpse into the reality and issues of such silenced trauma.

A series of abstract images made with macro cinematography of light and fluids portray things and/or beings of the cosmic space and/or the daily basis.

As a coming-of-age Asian American graphic memoir, election years. aims to be sensational, as in it attacks your senses and your sense, as in it is as lurid as it is emotional. Each page envisions a new way to read the frame where every graphic element–typeface, color, line–is given a voice within the narrative. Kelly Lien presents the past and present as interwoven reflections that traverse both memory and heritage.

US, is a speculative exhibition catalogue consisting of digital photo compositions, illustrations and photography based on redefining concepts of representation and media.

A book about the psychological phenomenon of pareidolia. It contains a series of photographs taken in the confines of my apartment and grocery store due to quarantine orders. The book also includes some facts about what pareidolia is and how it affects daily life.

A fake magazine about games and internet culture. Content explores humor, ramblings, nonsensical prose and some personal journaling from the stream of consciousness of a millennial gamer.

A collection of previous studio projects where I work with lighting and subjects of various sorts. Each photograph contains a diagram of the lighting setup as well as a description of the process and what techniques I used to accomplish the end result.

This project shows the way of finding real beauty. I used my self-photographs to show my journey to find out how to love myself and what is the most important thing to consider as beauty. I used three images from Alice in Wonderland because Alice goes on a journey which is similar to my journey. Also I used the explosion photo to express anger at me. I started to have anger at me since I started to compare myself to other dance major students. I was obsessed about appearance because I thought ballerina should be pretty. However, I realized appearance isn’t important at all.

This publication is meant to serve as a medium for the conjunction of dogs and interior design. I have made a digital realm through a free downloadable app that works in conjunction with my own design sketches and photographs of 4 of my dogs. Throughout the book I explain certain aspects of the space that have been influenced by living with dogs. I will keep an informative yet humorous tone in order to present to my viewers an entertaining yet inspiring book on this subject.

A compilation of drawings and paintings in conjunction with an autobiographical set of short stories that articulate each series for an immersion in the artist’s perspective.

This piece takes an introspective look at the hypocritical republican coronavirus argument. Through using a children's style book I aim to cultivate satire. It flows by showing bad behaviors and good behaviors as mirror images to elevate the contrasting argument.