Eliana Kontokanis

TRELS Summer Research Program

IN HER OWN IMAGE is a three-part series of performances for camera. The work embodies my research on how contemporary female performance and musical artists appropriate Catholic symbols and rituals to create a more expansive female futurity. In these performances, I also explore the trauma from my Catholic faith and education backgrounds as a queer, mentally ill woman.

Baptism explores the absorption of negative female stereotypes produced and perpetuated by the Catholic Church.

Penance is a meditation on purging oneself of harmful Catholic notions of womanhood.

Prayer of Freedom presents liberation through surrender and self-acceptance.

The Triton Research & Experiential Learning Scholars (TRELS​) program is sponsored by the Council of Provosts of the Undergraduate Colleges at UC San Diego and the office of Academic Enrichment Programs. TRELS empowers students to pursue intellectual opportunities beyond the classroom, by providing support in the form of funding and mentorship. Eliana Kontokanis was mentored by Dino Dinco for the 2020 TRELS Summer Research Program.