Public Presentations

for Teddy Cruz Studio "Speculative Design for Solidarity" and Ricardo Dominguez Studio "XENO-City"


Ricardo Dominguez Speculative Design Thesis Studio

VIS190 - SP2021

Sabrina Chuang

Understanding the Barrier


Tzinti Aguirre-Medina

La Cuca-Raza

“La Cuca-Raza” which translates to “The Cocka-race”, is a speculation, a vision, an imagination of a post-human future through the rewriting of the Mexican folk song “La Cucaracha” or “The Cockroach, accompanied by a series of graphic collages to illustrate this speculated future.

Xochilt Khoury

Break in Case of Emergency

This piece is a commentary on the Mexican-American border, and how Americans perceive it. Showcased inside of the shadow box is an array of the natural beauties of Mexico, as well as the people who live there. However, they are covered up by the glass, painted to illustrate the border that separates us from them. The glass itself however is delicate, representing white fragility and the racism Mexico faces from America. Written on top of the glass is "BREAK IN CASE OF EMERGENCY"Âť because although America knows they are racist, they refuse to "break the glass" and instead uphold the systems that make this true. Accompanying the piece is a toy hammer, in which guests are encouraged to try and break the glass. No matter how hard they hit, they cannot even crack the glass. This is symbolic of performative action, which many people do instead of actually helping the situation. They would rather pretend they are assisting those who are minorities rather than destroy the system that benefits themselves, and therefore perform meaningless actions such that they can be perceived as "good."

Xochilt Khoury is a Mexican-Arab-American from Burbank, California. She grew up with two different cultures in her household, learning about the immigration struggles from both sides of her family. Following graduation, Xochilt will be interning with Lionsgate in Global and Location-Based Entertainment. She hopes to work in the themed entertainment industry and make experiences that impact her audience in a way that makes them consider real social issues such as racism in America.

Roy Velasquez

What Line?

This project contemplates the climate that has surrounded the US/Mexico border for ages. Every election cycle it is a heated debate yet the US constantly reinforces its borders one way or the other. We’ve had figures like Donald Trump exclaiming propaganda about building a wall but we’ve also had the likes of Kamala Harris speaking directly too the Guatemalan people telling them too NOT come to the United States border because they WILL be turned away. Around the debate of the border the rationalization used is that there is a system for legal migration too the US. Migrants from across the world, many times victims of humanitarian crisis, are told to “wait in line”, but this ignores the fact that the system is convoluted and many times puts folk in further danger.

“What line?” questions this system and explores the direction in which a xenocity could be formed in response to the constant militarization of the border.

Roy Velasquez(He/Him/His) is the son of Guatemalan migrant parents. He grew up in South Central Los Angeles surrounded by Chicanx Culture and influenced heavily by the stories of migrant families and friends.

Speculative Design for Solidarity

Teddy Cruz Speculative Design Thesis Studio

VIS190 - SP2021

Alicia Tam


The Contradictions of Desert Urbanization

Bryce Grubbs


Recreating the Modern State Through Prison Abolition

Dana Chou


Visualizing Urban-Ecological Conflict

Grace Murphy


Speculative Cognitive and Spatial Landscapes

Justin Padilla


Decolonizing Fashion

Sofia Francisco


Urbanizations of Environmental Justice

Geraldine Wambersie


Ecosystems for Civic Participation

Krystin Aquino


Platforms for Reciprocity