Erika Melendez

My artwork contains themes of dreams, nature, and self. I delve into styles of expressionism and abstract work quite often, however, it is still vastly experimental and relies on the use of color to tell its narrative and capture moments in time. While I use a variety of materials and processes in each project my methodology is consistent. I gain inspiration from the world I’ve lived in and from the environment I shape. My influences come from artists such as Piet Mondrian, Salvador Dali, Louis William Wain and modern day animator James Baxter; who I attribute most of my fondness for fantasy and whimsy. What I want to do with my artwork is develop it to a point where the fantastical and reality mold together to leave the impression of nostalgia and a sense of wonder.

Wistful Journey, 2019
Glass, Sky, and Jelly, 2020