Megan Winegar

I’ve always been fascinated by bright colors and nostalgic imagery. Many of my paintings are inspired by old photographs I find or events that I’ve witnessed. My painting style frequently toes the line between cartoon and reality, and I like to incorporate both ridiculous and mundane elements into every piece I produce. My painted work often includes large patches of bright colors and subject matter placed in the middle of the piece. I find myself influenced by Warhol & The Factory and all the provocative people and artwork that came from that era, especially New York punk scene.

In my sculpture practice I focus on poking fun at objectively ridiculous elements of popular culture, in particular the female condition. My sculpture practice has begun to involve some performative elements, which I really enjoy doing. I have made three different sculptures that I have to wear or interact with, and I’m very excited about where I can take them from here conceptually. I would like to continue developing my sculptural work into even more ridiculous commentaries on the female experience. I am influenced by sculptural artists such as Nick Cave, Raul des Nieves, and Lee Bowery. I like their incredible attention to detail and their skill at creating hybrid costume-sculptures. I also like the provocative elements of their sculptural work, and their use of color and materials. I like that all three artists border on kitschy with their material choices, because I also like to use craft materials such as feathers, pom poms, pipe cleaners, and rhinestones.