Adair Huang

My works oscillate between the spectrum of the image and object. This gamut contains the pure or computer-generated image with no physicality, the photograph which exists as a print of a picture, the picture which is more than a photograph and is constituted by drawing or painting, and finally the physical object itself. The paintings are conceived via mechanical processes and forms of reproduction and repetition. My research centers around the Duchampian idea of the multiple, in relation to painting, and Walter Benjamin’s theory on the cult object, in this age of digital reproduction.

Untitled, Transfers and printer ink on paper, 30 x 22 in. each
Untitled, Transfers and printer ink on paper, 30 x 22 in. each
Untitled, Transfers and printer ink on paper, 30 x 22 in. each

This work is funded in part by the Russell Foundation Grant