Sustained investigation

Bleeding alone

wood canvas, oil paints, flaxseed oil

How can we use our inspiration and connection to other artists in our artwork?

Around the age of twelve I was introduced to the Renaissance. I was appalled and baffled by the lack of female representation in art. My beloved teacher of seven years made sure to uncover many hidden female painters, and nurtured my passion for art history and feminine portrayal from a matriarchal lense.

  Since, I have read the historical fiction book from the perspective of Artemisia Genteleschi, Blood Water Paint, as well as doing overall research. My materials connect to the way she went about her art. My painting aims to illustrate the emotion of  her situation. Connecting with a theme of painting women's struggles and  stories. I, like Artemesia, hope to tell a story that comforts and encourages people to connect through history and paintings stories. I like many other women connect to her story, paintings, and struggles. They show truth in it's raw form, this is the element I always strive for in my paintings especially of women.

I started with a sketch of the initial idea then trace it onto gessoed paper but then decided to paint on wood. I used oil paints, as those art the kinds of paints she worked with, I also used dark colors and contrast like the baroque style of the time. This portrait took many weeks and layers paint, finally I am content with the result.