Circle Design

The idea behind this work was the feeling of comfort people find in nature.  The gold pattern was inspired by Gustave Klimpts artwork. The girl featured is this circle of life is finding comfort in the self reflection going back to nature, without influence of modern days worries. She is resting in the womb of mother nature.

I used charcoal for transfering  my sketch onto my canvas and used glaze mixed with acrylic to build layers of shadows and highlights.

I really enjoyed this process, The sketching went very smoothly and so did the transfering.  Since I didn't plan out my entire piece before going in with acrylic so I got to do free painting  on the patterns which I love. I asked my grandma who is an art teacher for feedback and we talked over my ideas together. I kept painting a bit at a time ,adding when I got a critique. I went in and added finishing details after the  in-class critique.