Multicultural Speaker Series  - Inclusivity in Instructor Activities
Denise Soler Cox
In collaboration with HAHE

About Denise Soler-Cox

Media & Articles  
Starting off let's learn about Denise Soler Cox from

Let's do a deeper drive of her work and contributions with a quick overview about Denise Soler Cox's from her LinkedIn page. Looking for more? Let's venture over to the contributor section to see Denise's Huffpost Blog where shares her life experiences in a series of blog posts.  Consider taking a few moments to listen to the many podcasts and videos she has curated and contributed to:

What is Project Eñye?


"Project Eñye has one single & simple purpose…to transform how we think and speak about culture, identity, and what it means to belong."(2021) 

"I help Latinas overcome the guilt, shame, and isolation around not feeling Latina enough so that they can reawaken that powerful Latina within, make their own rules and slay in every area of their life by embracing their Latinidad instead of going it alone." - Denise Soler Cox (2021)

Inclusive Instruction

Self-Portrait Activity
Taken from Edutopia, consider a long-term project of addressing identity culminiating with a self-portrait assignment or final project. For an in-depth idea of how to start visit, Creating a Learning Environment Where All Kids Feel Valued. (White, 2019)

Now, we know that aren't students are kids, and while these activities may be geared towards a younger population, if they have not have opportunities to have these conversations in the past, it is about time they can. 

Works Cited
About. Project Eñye. (2021, June 18). Retrieved October 6, 2021, from

White, S. V. (2019, October 9). Creating a learning environment where all kids feel valued. Edutopia. Retrieved October 4, 2021, from