Monday 7th June - Friday 11th June
Why hello there! how did you go with your fidget spinners?
Here is one Carter made, which we loved!

Read what to do for Science this week, and make sure you watch the video I made for you.

Welcome to this week's Science. This week, we are going to continue to focus on the health of our environment, and look a little further into how we group different animals. This week, we are going to look at the groups of animals that have a backbone, just like you! We call an animal with a backbone, a vertebrate.
How many animals can you think of that have bones inside their body? Add them to the padlet below, if you like!
To get a little head start, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN0cpZytGos
Now check out my video below. I talk a little about the four groups of vertebrates.
Complete the drawings of your favourite animals and make sure you label their body covering.
Extension: Can you think of other features that make these animals belong to their groups. For example, birds have feathers, BUT they also lay eggs!
Monday 30th May - Friday 4th June
Hello my precious Juniors!
Please continue on this week with your fidget spinners/pop-its.
Remember they must be made from all natural materials so that if they were to end up on the ground or in landfill, they would not hurt the environment. Below is a little inspiration, if you are struggling to invent your own.
You may remember that last week, we met our four new classroom friends. We have 4 Spiny Leaf Insects, who are very excited to become members of our SPA family.
Your task this week is to;
Complete the task below
Come up with your favourite names and cast your votes. The voting is on the Padlet below.
Draw a picture of a Spiny Leaf insect.
Label the following body parts:
head, antennae, thorax, abdomen, legs
You might remember me using these words to describe the features of insects;
Have a go at explaining what they mean.
Add in your favourite Stick Insect Names. Vote for others you like too.
I am looking forward to seeing you all next week.
In the meantime, let's get to know each other again, through a type of science called Psychology.
The word Psych means Mind, so psychology means the study of how our mind works.
This week, I want you to add to the padlet below a list of everything that makes you happy. I hope that many of us have things in common. When we are all together, we are going to work on this list to help not only our own happiness, but the happiness of others too.
In our brains, when we are happy, different parts of it light up. What things make your brain light up?
THis is the last week of term, and we are going to help save the planet by getting creative.
We all know that using plastic bags; in fact any type of plastic, can be harmful to our environment. So, lets make a plastic bag, made out of our old clothes!
You will need an old T- Shirt. Is there an old t-shirt that your family members do not use anymore?
Watch the video below.
Show off your fashionable new Tee-Bag on the padlet below!
If you're game, create a step by step guide, showing others how to make a bag just like yours.
Send your video, or photo guide to me: lvissaritis@spadoreen.catholic.edu.au
week 8 | 7 September - 11 September
Welcome to Week 8! Thank you to parents and guardians for their help with the reading aspect of this challenge :)
Happy National Threatened Species Day!
Today your challenge is to choose an action to take for our environment.
We are so lucky to live in an ecosystem that is full of life. But, if we do not protect it, it could disappear.
Watch this short video below of just a few of the most incredible animals of Australia. We are so lucky to share this country with such beautiful animals.
Now, choose your action (You may need help from a parent or guardian to read through these). Once you have chosen an action, explain why you pledge to take this action for wildlife. Explain why you have chosen your action and how it can help animals in your community. You might like to choose more than one action below!
Remember to put the cat in: Keep your domestic cats inside at night, put bells on their collars, and have them desexed. Native animals do most of their feeding at night and can easily become extra food for pets.
Leave rocks in the bush: Rocks are important habitat for small animals, lizards and insects. Get rocks from construction sites or landscaping supply outlets.
Create habitat for native animals and birds: Plant local native species in your garden and add logs and rocks to create habitat for native animals and birds. It is important to plant native species local to your area, as some plants can become serious weeds and end up doing more harm than good. Talk to your local nursery for advice.
Leave dead wood in the bush: Get your firewood from a timber yard, and remember to ask for plantation timbers. Birds and animals live in dead trees and logs. Collecting firewood from the bush robs them of their homes.
(source: https://www.environment.gov.au/system/files/resources/3367c4a6-4e79-4677-b6fb-d382f5808598/files/tsd06time-act.pdf)
week 7 | 31 august - 6 september
Welcome to Week 7!
This week, you are going to learn more about THE MOST AMAZING ANIMAL IN THE WORLD (to me, anyway!).
Watch the video and send your work to me: lvissaritis@spadoreen.catholic.edu.au

Assessment piece
Welcome to Week 6! This week, you are going to show off what you understand about the body.
You are going to share your understanding of the heart, the brain, the teeth and your joints/reflexes. Remember to refer back to all the videos and your learning over the term.
If you have chalk and bitumen driveway, have someone help you draw the outline of your body. If you can't do this use the image below.
With the outline draw:
the heart
the brain and the 4 lobes
the mouth with all the teeth a human should have as an adult - include the different types of teeth I talked about in the video
the joints - draw an arrow to all the joints there are on the body. Don't worry if there are lots of lines, but make sure you show exactly where they are!
If you have used a chalk outline, make sure you take a photo of it, and send your work to me. If you have used the outline below, make sure you send it to me with your labelling.
If you feel comfortable, write what all these parts are used for. You might get extra points if you show this knowledge! But remember to just do your best, and enjoy learning about how incredible our bodies are!
Make sure you send in your work this week | lvissaritis@spadoreen.catholic.edu.au
The brain is amazing! Inside your head, the brain is an organ that talks to every part of your body.
Watch the video below and then complete the task you are challenged to.
Draw a human head, with the brain inside it. Draw and label each of the four lobes, and include what they are used for.
Key words: Temporal - Frontal - Parietal - Occipital. These are big words, so don't worry if you are unsure how to say them or spell them. All you need to show is that you understand the different parts of the brain and what their jobs are.
Take a photo of your work, and add it to the padlet below.

week 4 | 10 august - 16 august
There is something I want to show you in this video. It is something you will need to do a thinking routine on before I REVEAL what it is!
So, watch the video and then share your thinking routine (SEE THINK WONDER) on the Padlet below.
Make sure you pause the video when I ask you to, so that the item is revealed when the time is right!
Do the writing activity I talk about in the video and share it on the Padlet, or send to me via lvissaritis@spadoreen.catholic.edu.au
Your parent/guardian may like to take a picture of your thinking routine, and then post it for all of us to see.

You are probably already an expert in medicine!
You have set up your doctor's clinic and know how to check your patients' pulse, now let's look at their reflexes!
In this video, Dr Chris and Miss V will show you what a reflex is and how to check it on your patients. Make sure you are careful and don't hurt anyone, when you check them. Also, make sure you do not check the reflexes of your pets, as you may accidentally hurt or scare them.
Checking your reflexes makes sure that your brain is talking to your muscles. It is amazing how important the brain is! You will see in the video, that if your brain isn't talking to your muscles, you might turn into jelly!
I told you science is cool!
Once you have tested the reflexes of your family, draw a picture of the muscles and the joint that Dr Chris and Miss V talk about in the video. You may like to watch the video a few times, and laugh at Pacho my cat stealing all the attention :)
Extension: make a model of the muscles and joints using play-doh or lego. Or, you may choose to use other materials.
Send a picture or video of you at your clinic checking a patient's reflexes.
Send your work to lvissaritis@spadoreen.catholic.edu.au

Week 2 | July 27th - 1st august
Now that you have had the chance to open your own doctor's clinic, let's start understanding how the body works!
Watch the video below. Video will be available by 3pm Monday 27th July
Accept the challenge in the video and share with your family.
Share your results on the Padlet below

Step 1: Meet Dr Chris

Step 2. Let's open a Doctor's Surgery!
Print and cut out all the signs below and stick them up around your bedroom.
(If you don't have a printer, you can create your very own signs instead!)
You now have a doctor's surgery!
Step 3. Get to know your patients using household items
Investigate your family to make sure they are healthy.
Have a look in their ears, check their tongue, look at their eyes, using any items you have around the house.
Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before and after you examine your patients.
Dr Caiden checks Chester's temperature with his thermometer
Dr Jake examines Caiden's throat with his tongue depressor
Nurse Caden and Nurse Jake check each other's eyes
Dr Jake examines Caiden's ears with his otoscope
Step 4. STEM Challenge
Make a thermometer, tongue depressor and otoscope using household items
Send your photos to lvissaritis@spadoreen.catholic.edu.au