Welcome to our second home learning singing rehearsal

SPA Choir Singing Lesson 2.mp4

SPA Choir Weekly Singing Lesson

Edition two

SPA Choir Week

Oh when the saints / Swing low

A beautiful round

Oh When the Saints / Swing Low Round (lyrics)

Part 1: Oh when the saints, go marching in

Oh when the saints go marching in

I want to be in that number

Oh when the saints go marching in

Part 2: Swing low, sweet chariot

Coming for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet chariot,

Coming for to carry me home

practice your posture in front of the mirror

  • While singing at home, try to rehearse in front of the mirror. This way, you will be able to see exactly how your posture and facial expression looks while you sing.

  • I have included the "Singer's Stance" poster which we briefly spoke about in our first choir rehearsal this year and how important it is to stand correctly when we are singing.

  • Please read through the "Singer's Stance" poster and remember to focus on smiling when you sing.

How Far I’ll Go lyrics.docx

how far i'll go


How far I'll go Alessia Cara.mp4

practice to the song

An upbeat version

How far i'll go instrumental.mp4

sing to the instrumental

A slower version

How Far I'll Go

Above, I have included the lyrics to How Far I'll go, along with a nice version of the song to sing along to by Alessia Cara. Once you feel like you know the song, I have given you an extra challenge. I would like you to listen to the Instrumental song and see if you can sing along to this slow version all by yourself. I would like to rehearse the slow version with the SPA Choir once we get back to school, so I can't wait to hear what you've been working on at home. :)