Hello Middles,

Welcome to Performing Arts for Weeks 4-6. These activities are designed to cover approximately 3 hours of learning or 1 hour of Performing Arts per week. If you have any questions about any of the activities, please email me at epagonis@spadoreen.catholic.edu.au.

Remember to take your time when learning any of the music or drama related activities and to send through samples of your work so I can see that you are participating in the program. See you all soon!

Mrs. Pagonis

This is me

During Performing Arts in Term One, we began learning the lyrics to "This is Me" and also discussed what the meaning of the song may be. This song is so powerful and we all came to the conclusion that it is about the topic of resilience. Even though we began learning the first verse and chorus, I would like you to continue learning the rest of the song. Once you have learnt the whole song, please move on to the drum lesson for "This is Me" also. I can't wait to hear you playing all together one day soon.





This is me bucket drum.mov

this is me drum lesson


rhythm lesson

  • A fun rhythm practice video for all year levels

  • If you have time, why not create some rhythm patterns of your own to practice with your household instrument?

Middles drama game.MOV

drama activity

  • This is a fun little Drama Prop activity that you may like to do once, twice or even three times!

the sounds in my backyard

  • Take some time to sit in your backyard, close your eyes and listen to the beautiful sounds of the world around you (or just those in your backyard!)

  • Once you are feeling relaxed, grab a pen and paper and write down a list of everything you can hear.

  • For each sound you hear, I want you to describe that sound as best as you can. For example;

  • Wind; soft, high, long sound, didn't stop the whole time, background noise

  • Some words that might help you include; high, low, repetitive, loud, soft, happy, scary etc.

  • If you would like an extra challenge, you can also take a pen and paper on your walk around the neighbourhood and write down the sounds you hear there as well.

  • Click on the link above to play a virtual piano.

  • Challenge: Can you figure out the notes to press in order to play the song "Hot Cross Buns?"

  • Have fun playing any song you like or just making up your own little melodies.