Hello Seniors,

Welcome to Performing Arts for Weeks 4-6. These activities are designed to cover approximately 3 hours of learning or 1 hour of Performing Arts per week. If you have any questions about any of the activities, please email me at

Remember to take your time when learning any of the music or drama related activities and to send through samples of your work so I can see that you are participating in the program. See you all soon!

Mrs. Pagonis

Broccoli by Mrs

create your own monologue

  • What is a monologue?

A monologue is a speech made by one actor, which is kind of like they are 'thinking out loud' and talking to the audience.

  • Click on the video to see my monologue about Broccoli. I have used iMovie to edit my video and added audio, text and sound effects also.

  • Below you will find 4 different monologue scripts. Choose one and rehearse the monologue so that you have memorised it well. When you are ready, record your monologue (you may wish to edit, or can just record the monologue in one go) and send through the final copy to

Monologue 1

monologue 2

monologue 3

monologue 4


In Performing Arts, we listened to the song Brave and discussed the meaning of the lyrics. We concluded as a class that the topic of resilience is reflected in the lyrics and then shared how the song made us feel. Below, I have provided you with with the MP3 video for Brave, along with the lyrics and a bucket drum lesson video. Please listen to the song again and learn the vocal part before moving on to learn the bucket drum pattern. Have fun!



BRAVE lyrics.docx

brave lyrics

Brave bucket

brave drum lesson


rhythm lesson

  • A fun rhythm practice video for all year levels

  • If you have time, why not create some rhythm patterns of your own to practice with your household instrument?

  • Click on the link above to create a Groove Pizza and experiment with different styles of music