
Term 4 2021

Email your work:

Each week, check out each of the buttons for updates on ... SCIENCE!

Also, there is a weekly learning journey for you below, too.

Prep | Term 4


Videos of children answering the following questions are recommended.

Are you a scruncher or a folder? That's right, I am talking about how you use your toilet paper. Ewwwwwwwww!

Did you know that the toilet paper you use, comes from trees? So if trees are being made into toilet paper, what is happening to the forest?

This week, I want you to head out into your backyard.

  1. How many trees/shrubs are there?

  2. What animals did you see living on or near the trees?

  3. What do trees give our earth? Why are they important?

  4. Draw the body parts of a tree. You might like to look at the video below for some help!

Next week, we will explore the connection between toilet paper and our forests. But you might like to do a little research in the meantime. What do you want to find out?

Junior | Week 4


Junior | Week 3

The Bogong moth seems to be very important doesn't it! Thank you for turning off the lights and not using so much fly or insect spray. This will really help the moths, which will then help the mountain pigmy possum.

Print off one of the masks below and colour it in the colours that a bogong moth or mountain pigmy possum are. I want wait to see a picture of you with it on! You might even like to print and colour both, and play a game of tag with a friend or family member where the possum has to chase and catch the moth!

Junior | Week 2


Junior | Week 1

I know, they're adorable aren't they! They are called Mountain Pigmy Possums and after a long and cold winter, they are starting to wake up!

They must be hungry!

  1. What do you think a possum's favourite food would be:

a. Ice-cream?

b. Toast

c. Moths

If you guessed C: Moths, you are correct! The only problem is, there are not many of their favourite moths around at the moment!

That's where you can help! Watch this video and let's get started.

When you watched the video, What did you see? What did you think? What did you wonder?

Middle | Week 3

Poster competition

Today, I went to the beach with the dogs. It really surprised me to find so much rubbish on the shore. One common piece of rubbish was the picture taken below. I found 7 straws on my walk, excluding all the other plastic and rubbish that was around.

I found this very troubling and thought that perhaps we could do something about it at our school. Your challenge is to design a message to encourage people at school to use less plastic. Last week we talked about balloons causing harm to our sea life, but what about all the other plastic

  1. think of a message you want to say on your poster

  2. design how you want that message to be seen

  3. create your poster. Think about text style, size, colour and how to catch the eye of the reader!

  4. Send your poster to me

  5. The posters that have the best messages will be made into official posters and posted at the school.

Middle | Week 4

To balloon or not to balloon?


Middle | Week 2


Middle | Week 1

Could it really be true? Are balloons deadly to our wildlife?

What do we use balloons for? How many celebrations can you think of where you might use balloons?

Where do the balloons go after the party? What happens if they blow away?

Have a look at this video, and let's start to have a good think!

Now you have an idea of how balloons can harm our beautiful wildlife, how might you as an individual person be able to take this further?

What if we banned balloons at school?

Complete the thinking routine and share your thoughts with me

Senior | Week 4


Senior | Week 3


Senior | Week 2


Senior | Week 1

Over the past few weeks, the STEM ambassadors have been busily working away on a secret project.

Can you guess what it might be about? I'll give you a hint. It's about cats, our neighbourhood and wildlife. What connection do these all have?

Check out the STEM competition submission below.

Come up with a device that might not only help to keep cats safe, but keep them home!

I will be inviting the STEM team to share their ideas with you over the next few weeks too.

Week 1: Research cats and wildlife.Why don't they get along?

To research, have a look at this website as a starting point:

  • You might like to conduct a Peel the Fruit thinking routine to really get to the bottom of why cats can be dangerous to our wildlife. There is a template for this below.

TERM 3 2021



Watch the video

Then use this list below to help you perform the challenge given in the video. Send your work to








P.S. I spelled Phylum incorrectly in the video.



Watch this video. The video will give you instructions on what to do this week in science.

You will need a pencil, eraser, and a piece of paper to complete your challenge. Send your work to

Lastly, if you have a great name for her, please let me know.



Watch the video

Answer the questions in the video by writing down the answers, or filming your explanation. Send them to

If you have a name that you think suits her, please let me know too!


Did you get a chance to make your volcano? If not, don't worry, there are instructions from last week if you need help. This week, we are going to make the volcano erupt! This means we need to introduce some CHEMISTRY to our science, because for the volcano to erupt, there needs to be a chemical reaction.

Listen carefully to the video and hear my two reasons why baking soda and vinegar react so well together. Do you think you can explain why in a video? I'd love to see it.

Please send the videos and pictures of your volcano to

Week 9

Remember, the Science below is just a start to your wonderful science week. There are lots of other resources for you to explore in the buttons above! Those wanting to extend their learning can also visit the Future Professors Page.

Catch Up Zoom details: September 10th 2021

All Preps 12:30pm

Meeting ID: 419 642 128 / Passcode: 9wabWm

All Seniors 1:00pm

Meeting ID: 419 642 1289 / Passcode: 9wabWm

All Middles 1:30pm

Meeting ID: 419 642 1289 / Passcode: 9wabWm

On site children 2:00pm

Meeting ID: 419 642 1289 / Passcode: 9wabWm

Junior NM + Junior ED + Junior MK 2:30pm

Meeting ID: 419 642 1289 / Passcode: 9wabWm

Junior RS + Junior CI 3:00pm

Meeting ID: 419 642 1289 / Passcode: 9wabWm


Welcome to science!

Watch the video.

Draw/write your object, predict if it will sink or float, then record your results.

What items did you choose? Were your predictions correct?

What did you learn about density?


Here is a worksheet to help get you started.

What objects are you choosing for your experiment?



Do you have a great fun experiment to share with the class?

Send it to



Welcome to Week 9 of Science

Watch the video

Research volcanoes and choose 5 facts

Send your new knowledge to

Next week we will make the volcanos. Make sure you have the materials to make them. See the videos below to get you started.



Hey Middles. Watch my video, and then have a go at the experiment yourself. See the report writing template to use. If you would like to extend your learning, use the seniors report writing template as well.

Check out the video below to see how it works!

Week 7 & 8


Prep - 6

Guess what, I have a challenge for you!

  1. Watch the video below

  2. Research your local area for wildlife - you might like to go for a walk, head into your backyard, or even research on the internet.

  3. Select an animal that you can help.

  4. Design the home using a pencil and a plain sheet of paper. Label as much as you can. Use a ruler to measure the dimensions of your home, if you can. Higher year levels will be expected to provide greater detail.

  5. Use your creativity with the materials you have at home to design a habitat, create it and then share an image of it with me, along with your labelled design.

Send it to by Friday 3rd September.

Hint: Take your time to research your habitat and the animal who lives there. Really think about the type of materials you want to use and collaborate with others! Ask mum, dad, your siblings or other members of your family and friends. Often many ideas together make for one excellent idea!

Check out the Galleria for students' work.

Updated daily.


Week 6

This week, you are challenged to research a topic from the questions in the padlet below.

Below are some excellent videos from our children, who have researched their topic.

Mine is on the Big Bang Theory, which was a popular question on the padlet.

Discover and record up to TEN FACTS on your topic. Then present them via:

A Video or a Poster!

If you choose to do a video, make sure you speak clearly, loudly and slowly. Be engaging in your presentation and also show confidence.

If you choose to do a poster, make it clear and concise. Ensure if is colourful and informative, but not too busy.

Send your work to

Extension: After watching my video, complete the thinking routine, below - I used to think, now I think.


HAPPY NATIONAL SCIENCE WEEK! But then again, every week is science week!

Week 5

To all children, if you did not complete your home learning during the previous lockdown, please do so today and send to

Have you attempted this yet?

You've got to see this!

For all year levels, watch this video.

Then see how many questions you are prepared to answer below!

  1. If you have dominos, set up a space and create your own art.

If you don't have dominos, try DVD cases, or CD cases, or even lego pieces. Test the space in between each domino to make sure it is the right distance to push the next forward.

  1. How did your art perform? What went well? What could be improved? Why did it work/not work?

  2. How many dominos were in the video?

  3. How might this project related to art?

  4. How does this project relate to science?

  5. There are lots of things going on with this experiment. But, the type of science here is called PHYSICS. What is the reason the dominos fall?

  6. Would wooden dominos, or polished plastic dominos be better to use, and why?

  7. Describe the words gravity, force, friction.

  8. Take a picture or video of your own design and send it to

Welcome to science.

As we go back into remote learning for a few days, you may have heard people talking about staying home being a circuit breaker.

This made me think. What is a circuit breaker?

Well, in this context, the definition is to keep a bug at bay and stop it spreading keeping us all at home.

We are breaking the circuit of a spread. But what does circuit breaker mean in science?

Let's find out.

Want to make your own circuit?

Try this under supervision.

We will be doing this experiment back at school too.


Remote Learning


To all our Seniors, we invite you to apply to join the SPA STEM team. To get a copy of the application form, please email me via