Juniors - Term 3 Snap Lockdown

Create and ACT like a Superhero!
Hello Juniors,
Please click on the link to the left of this text to find out about your exciting activity this week. Below, I have provided you with a few templates that you might like to print off and use to create your own Superhero. If you don't have a printer, don't worry, you can just draw your own Superhero however way you like. Make sure to send me your drawing and also a video to my email address
Up, up and away! I can't wait to see what you create!
Mrs Pagonis
Juniors - Term 2 Snap Lockdown

Italiano in Performing Arts

The Mozart Challenge
We have been exploring how different types of music affect how we feel and how classical music can enhance our brain's thinking power! We now know that listening to music by Mozart can help us when learning about things that don't necessarily relate to Performing Arts.
So, this week, when you are participating in Mr. Valeri's "Around the house challenge" during PE, I would like you to complete some of the exercises without music and then some with the above music by Mozart.
Then, on a piece of paper, write down what happened to you when you were being active without music and then what happened when you were being active with the Mozart music playing? Did the music affect you in any way?
Email your observation to!
Make your own Guitar!
Did you know that making musical instruments can be pretty easy? This week, I would like you to try and make your own Tissue Box Guitar.
What you will need is;
An empty tissue box
Some stickers or markers for decoration
6 rubber bands
To make your Tissue Box guitar, simply decorate your empty tissue box however you like and then place the six rubber bands around the tissue box, making sure that there is space between each band. You might like to try different types of rubber bands (some thin ones and some thicker ones) to see if they make higher and lower sounds.
Junior Extension Challenge: Can you find 6 different size rubber bands and figure out how to make each band sound higher than the last one? (Starting from low to high)
Take a picture of your tissue box guitar and send to
Music and the brain activity
Hello Juniors,
Last week, some Junior classes started learning about how our brains function when we play an instrument with two hands. We have been discussing in the classroom how playing instruments makes our brains function better and can improve how we concentrate and remember things.
While you are at home this week, I would like you to find any instrument that you may have around the house or any items that you can use as instruments to play the below rhythm patterns at the same time. You might find things in your house which make sounds like a musical instrument. For example; Putting rice in a bottle to make a shaker, playing pots and pans with a spoon, a bag of chips or anything that can be shaken like maracas or simply just tapping on a table!
Below I have provided you with rhythms for your left hand to play and rhythms for your right hand to play. You can choose a rhythm for either hand and try to play them one at a time and then together at the same time.
How does this activity make you feel? Do you have to really concentrate when playing the patterns with two hands? What part of your brain do you think is working while doing this?
Take care,
Mrs Pagonis!

Left hand rhythms

Right hand rhythms
Mood Music and Art

Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
Click on the video to the left to hear this beautiful classical song "Four Seasons" written by the famous Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi.
This song was written to give musical expression to each season of the weather; Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. You may have even heard this before!
I'd like you to gather some pencils and create a drawing masterpiece while you listen to this song! Underneath your drawing, I'd like you to write how the music made you feel and what it made you think about.
Share your artwork to