Dorothy Bates - 1943 to '46

Item courtesy of Dorothy Bates - 1943 to '46

From 1943 to 1946, I travelled to The Tech in High Wycombe from Aylesbury, and enjoyed three wonderful years.

After leaving The Tech, further training in artistic work was just not available being so soon after the war. So I took a job to assist with the colouring of plans at a local architect’s office. Over time it became more and more a secretarial role, and after four years, I was poached to industry.

I married an architect in 1953 and we opened our practice in 1956 when I worked for him as Secretary. We had two sons and a daughter, and continued to work in the Aylesbury area and beyond, until 1997.

During that time I have continued my personal art pursuits, and studied with the Open University – taking the “Art and Music” modules, and since, have been invited to teach music at Junior and Secondary schools.

I have always played the piano, sung in choirs, and possibly enjoyed most, keeping in touch with many friends made during my travels over the years.