Roger Timberlake - 1952 to '55

Item courtesy of Roger Timberlake - 1952 to '55

When I played in the Tech football team back in the fifties, our captain and centre half Gerald Cox was picked to play for England Schoolboys at Wembley. We went up to watch him play, England beating Scotland 1-0. I think he might be the only Tech boy to play at this level. After leaving school early he had a trial with Arsenal.

I wondered if anyone knows how his career in pro football went.

One day playing in an away fixture, one of our lads hacked down one of the opposition players in the penalty area. The penalty was missed but Mr Bissett gave our boy heaps from the side line carrying on for some time. When we got on the bus to return to school, Mr Bissett went up to the boy, put his arm around him and said “well done lad I couldn’t have done better myself. You won the match for us”.