Christine Miles - 1953 to '56

Courtesy of Christine Miles (married name Hatt) - 1953 to '56

My life at the WTI in 1953 to 1956

In 1953 I passed the entrance exam to attend the WTI. My previous school was St Mary's Aylesbury and therefore it meant a long journey by bus or train. I chose the train and the train left at 7.40 am. The train home to Aylesbury left at 4.50 arriving just before six o'clock. The evenings were taken up with homework (if we hadn't managed to do it as we travelled home. School finished at 4.30 therefore it was a long day, the longest of any school in Bucks.

There were 27 girls in my year in the Commercial department. The course was 3 years but with the opportunity to stay for a fourth year. Two girls from my class, plus several from the Art school. The girls moved to Lady Verney in January 1957 leaving the 4th years and the Pre-nursing until July.

Our school uniform was black or navy blue skirt, blazer and beret, white blouse and black and gold striped tie. We also wore hurdles to represent the house we belonged to. Green for Granta, red for Cherwell, and purple for McGary.

Each day the bell would ring and all students met on the back yard near the fives courts. We stood in our forms in lines, then proceeded to our form room for registration.

Our teachers were:- Principal - Mr Davies, Senior Mistress - Miss Roberts, and Miss Bush –Shorthand, Mrs Stoodley – Geography, Mr Stoodley - Commerce, typing, economics and book keeping, Mrs Russel – German, Miss Evason – French, Mr Panter – Maths, Miss Barker - PT in year one then Miss Hatton years two and three. Miss Thomas – History, Mr Blaxter – RE /RI.

On leaving school we all found work, some using their skills and joining one of the many furniture factories, some into local government offices in Wycombe and Aylesbury and five went into banking.