Mr Bristow

Mr "Stinky" Bristow Chemistry


Ivan (Spadger) Sparrow - 1957 to '60

One of the mature age teachers – quietly spoken – always seemed as if he wanted some appreciation for what he was trying to do for us. To me he had a manner similar to a “bumbling professor”, and as it was for most teachers, if there was even a hint of a chink in his teacher armour it would be exploited, and it was – class control was not one of his stronger points, but fairness and helpfulness were – however, when things went a little beyond his tolerance he could show very easily and loudly that enough was enough. He appeared to hope that we would be as enthusiastic as he was about chemistry and showed disappointment, when he realised at the end of term, that alas, that was not to have been so for many of us. A teacher one could feel a bit sorry for, and a tag of “Uncle” would have suited him just as comfortably as “Stinky”.

Roy Curtis - 1958 to '61

Mr Bristow was form master for 3C the first classroom for the 1959 intake of 13 plus entrants. On the first floor looking out over the teachers car park below and the Waterworks across the main A40 trunk road, all seen through 3 tall arched sash windows.