NSHS-B6 Stories and Legends
Novice high proficiency goal
Essential Question

What are some stories and legends from various cultures throughout the Spanish-speaking world?

Iztaccíhuatl y Popocatépetl

Una leyenda mexicana: Iztaccíhuatl y Popocatépetl

Refranes mexicanos

Los refranes son dichos populares que forman parte del folclore de un país. Normalmente suelen venir acompañados de alguna rima y todos tienen un significado a modo de consejo para tener en cuenta en la vida.

Los trabalenguas, son oraciones o textos breves, con palabras llamativas al oído en cualquier idioma, creados para que su pronunciación en voz alta sea difícil de decir.


   World Language Standards for Oregon

Learners proficient at NOVICE HIGH can use the target language and cultural knowledge to understand, exchange, and present information about familiar topics in everyday contexts using a variety of rehearsed or memorized words and phrases with attempts at creating simple, original sentences and questions.

WICOR Strategies


Textbook activities, workbook pages, taking notes, writing acronyms using adjectives


Discussion of essential question, cognates, question games


Quizzing, picture file, reading with partners


Discussion of word order and sentence structure, practicing with conjugation cards


Read culture sections, book activities, children’s books, tongue twisters 

I can identify popular stories and legends from the Spanish-speaking world. (DOK1)

I can identify significant elements of written and spoken stories (characters, story line, moral, etc.). (DOK2)

I can write and tell stories using the preterite and imperfect. (DOK4)

I can use basic transitional phrases to connect the ideas in a story. (DOK3)

I can retell simple, familiar stories. (DOK3)

I can invent a simple story based on a series of images representing familiar vocabulary. (DOK4)

I can describe the characters and the setting of familiar or invented stories. (DOK4)

I can tell a simplified version of a popular story or legend from a Spanish-speaking country that I have rehearsed using visual support. (DOK4)

I can ask a classmate questions about elements of a story that we have read in class. (DOK2)

I can answer questions about familiar stories. (DOK2)