GO Verbs with Irregular Present Tenses
Certain verbs are irregular (sadly for those of us who wish it were simpler!). But these verbs are just a little bit irregular in the present tense, so get to know them and it won't be so bad.
Because their Yo form ends with -go, they are called GO or even GOYO verbs. Some examples are: Venir, Hacer, Valer, Decir, Venir, Salir, Poner, Caer, Oír, and Traer.
Our old buddy Tener is sort of a hybrid Boot verb and Goyo verb.
Online activities from the Exprésate textbook
Book 1 Ch. 4A p. 128 (Venir)
Book 1 Ch. 4B p. 140 (Hacer, Poner, Traer, Saber, Ver, Salir)
Book 2 Ch. 1A p. 14 (Review)
Book 2 Ch. 1A p. 50 (Decir, Dar)
Practice - Venir - Hacer, Poner, Traer, Saber, Ver, Salir - Decir, Dar

Self-correcting exercises
Grammar explanations with self-correcting exercises
Online games and homework
Music videos and activities for practice
Music videos to help you learn!
Tener, Venir, Poner, Decir, Hacer, Traer, Salir, Valer
Venir, Hacer, Valer, Decir, Venir, Salir, Poner
Review of most present tenses
Practice your conjugations with this verb chant!