The verb Tener and Idioms with Tener

The verb Tener means "to have", but in Spanish, it's even more versatile than in English.

Realidades Textbook

Online activities from the Realidades textbook

Book 1 Chapter 5A p. 228


Gramactiva video: Tener

Exprésate Textbook Resources

Online activities from the Exprésate textbook

Book 1 Chapter 4A p. 126

Book 1 Chapter 7 p. 250 (Estar, sentirse, and tener)

Book 2 Chapter 2B p. 22 (Review of Tener and idioms)

Practice with the verb Tener and Tener idioms -With Sentirse - Review activity

Repaso Idioms with tener and verbs followed by infinitives.mp4
Estar sentirse and tener.mp4
Señor Jordan's Spanish Videos

Excellent grammar explanations with video

Tener - Tener phrases

Zambombazo: An Explosion of Language and Culture

Music videos and activities for practice

Spanish Proficiency Exercises from the University of Texas at Austin

Video interviews, podcasts, and grammar explanations Online Grammar Practice

Grammar explanations with self-correcting exercises

Tener, Venir Online Spanish-English Dictionary

Online Dictionary, Verb Conjugator, and Language Forums

See the full conjugation of Tener in all tenses

Practice The Big Four

TENER is one of The Big Four. Practice them on Quizlet.

Barbara Kuczun Nelson's Spanish Language & Culture

Self-correcting exercises

Tener idioms

Bowdoin Online Spanish Grammar

Detailed grammar explanations with self-correcting exercises

Common expressions with Tener

VideoEle: Learn Spanish online

Videos and interactive activities to learn Spanish online

Spanish Grammar Lessons

Online Grammar Lessons with worksheets

Quizziz online quizzes

Quizizz Class Practice - Start Game - Student Login

Guapo - Señor Wooly - Cierto o falso with Tener

Music videos to help you learn!

MHS-B1 Rockalingua - Feelings - Tener expressions.mp4
Yo tengo la luz, de las Hijas del Sol.MP4
A04 Tengo hambre.wmv