The verb Tener and Idioms with Tener
The verb Tener means "to have", but in Spanish, it's even more versatile than in English.
Online activities from the Exprésate textbook
Book 1 Chapter 7 p. 250 (Estar, sentirse, and tener)
Book 2 Chapter 2B p. 22 (Review of Tener and idioms)
Practice with the verb Tener and Tener idioms -With Sentirse - Review activity

Excellent grammar explanations with video
Music videos and activities for practice
Video interviews, podcasts, and grammar explanations
Grammar explanations with self-correcting exercises
Online Dictionary, Verb Conjugator, and Language Forums
TENER is one of The Big Four. Practice them on Quizlet.

Self-correcting exercises
Detailed grammar explanations with self-correcting exercises
Videos and interactive activities to learn Spanish online
Online Grammar Lessons with worksheets
Quizizz Class Practice - Start Game - Student Login
Guapo - Señor Wooly - Cierto o falso with Tener
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