NSHS-B3 Travel and health
Novice Mid Proficiency Goal
I will be able to:
NSHS-B1 Unit Overview
Essential Question

I can identify popular travel destinations and tourist activities available in Spanish- speaking countries. (DOK 1)

I can identify common health concerns for travelers in different Spanish-speaking countries. (DOK1)

I can identify common destinations and activities in travel brochures. (DOK3)

I can determine where someone traveled and what they did in written and spoken texts. (DOK3)

I can identify common ailments and symptoms in written and spoken texts. (DOK2)

I can write and talk about travel in the past using the preterite. (DOK4)

I can write and talk about what each member of my family did last time we traveled. (DOK4)

I can use the preterite to explain where my family and I went and what we did on an imagined trip to a Spanish-speaking country using visual support. (DOK4)

I can describe symptoms of common ailments. (DOK2)

I can ask someone about where they traveled and what they did. (DOK2)

I can ask someone how they feel and if they have specific symptoms. (DOK1)

I can answer questions about my past travel experiences. (DOK4)

I can diagnose basic ailments based on descriptions of symptoms and suggest treatment. (DOK3)

I can use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied. (DOK4)