I will be able to:
NSHS-B2 Overview
Essential Question

How does daily life here in the U.S. compare with how people live in your adopted country?

Key Vocabulary
Assessments and Rubrics
NSHS-B2 Home and Daily Routine Overview

Daily routine in class or video

(Presentational Mode - due date non-negotiable).

Student examples.

List of transition words - Help with Reflexive Verbs

Presentational Speaking Scoring Guide - Timer

Role of Performance Assessment
Games & Activities
Learning Targets
NSHS-B2 Home and Daily Routine

Listen to and read descriptions of bedrooms and colors

Talk and write about your room

Survey classmates about their bedrooms and compare theirs to yours

Listen to conversations about chores

Talk about household chores

Talk about your daily routine

Realidades 1
Realidades 2 Online Resources

Tesoros Escondidos Hidden Object Puzzles

Hidden Object Puzzles: Look up the words and find the objects!

La Casita

La Casita Hidden Object Puzzle

En el patio de la casa

En el patio de la casita Hidden Object Puzzle

Hidden Objects Puzzle
GoConqr online quizzes and learning resources
Music videos
Cultural Comparisons

Cultural Comparisons: La Casa - English - Spanish

Comparaciones culturales: Vecindarios - English - Spanish

Excellent speaking examples for study and for practice. You are given the video, the transcript, vocabulary lists, and more. Great for getting ready for the Speaking Test!

Describe your house.

Describe the house you grew up in and what you thought of it.

Talk about your TV viewing habits.

Give and take messages over the phone.

Describe your typical daily activities


World Language Standards for Oregon

Learners proficient at NOVICE MID can use the target language and cultural knowledge to understand, exchange, and present basic information and short messages about very familiar topics in everyday contexts using a variety of rehearsed or memorized words, phrases, and simple sentences and questions.

WICOR Strategies


Textbook activities, workbook pages, taking notes, writing acronyms using adjectives


Discussion of essential question, cognates, question games


Quizzing, picture file, reading with partners


Discussion of word order and sentence structure, writing in your travel journal


Read culture sections, book activities, infographics, advertisements

Recursos - OneDrive

NSHS-B2a Crossreference A08, MHS-B3 (Realidades L1-6A, L1-6B)

Recursos - OneDrive

NSHS-B2b Crossreference B02, MHS-B5 (Realidades L2-2A)

Casas on Drive