Prepositions of place and giving directions

Getting around town, saying where something that you need is located, telling the Uber driver where you need to go... these are a few examples of why we need the prepositions of place and phrases for giving directions. Here are some useful links.

Realidades Textbook
Exprésate Textbook Resources

Online activities from the Realidades textbook

Book 1 Chapter 2B p. 101

Zambombazo: An Explosion of Language and Culture

Music videos and activities for practice

Spanish Proficiency Exercises from the University of Texas at Austin

Video interviews, podcasts, and grammar explanations

Spanish Grammar Lessons

Online Grammar Lessons with worksheets

Directions in the Big City
Barbara Kuczun Nelson's Spanish Language & Culture

Self-correcting exercises

Prepositions of Place

¿Dónde está el ratón?
Game: Cardinal Directions
Game: Up Down Right Left

Arriba, Abajo, Alrededor y a Través, Cerca, Lejos... otra vez

Prepositions of Place
Mil Pasos with Homer and Cristina dancing tango

Mil Pasos - Soha (Argentine tango)


Me encanta escribir en español
Dónde está el gato

Ciudad de los Muertos