K. Mental healing

What is natural? What is good for us? What causes illness? Any disorder can be the starter of disease and any illness has its mental part. Also any injury has a mental component.

Carl Gustav Jung were one of the most significant explorer of human mind. His investigation of psychic disorder opened the level of uncouscius trigers – archetypal dispositions. Everyone can check his own mental blocks, mental predispositions by holotropic breathwork by Stan Grof. An other posibility to open the mental scope was established by Bert Hellinger with family or systemic constellations.

This therapeutic treatments let an insight in our mind, and in this way they can cure. What we have to overcome are false fantasies and mental blocks, which prohibit the connection to cosmic wisdom – the full spiritual knowledge – to transcendence.

Not only general information are absent, also the specific ones helpfull for our positions within our surrounding, close friends and extended family members.

Generaly today's omnipresent stress generates psychic pressure, and this is the starting trigger of mental disorder. Accelerating pace of changing situations is only partially to master.

Ill persons act uncertainly, have false insights and imagines. They are not full involved. This mental disorder initiates disorder of body. The result is a psychosomatic disturbance, which corrupts our balance and harmony and is subsequently obvious as bodily disorder.

Finally some mental healing matras: 'What is crucial, is how I take it' : 'Don't succumb expectations' : 'Believe your intuition'