F. Emergence

Emergence generates structure from information stored in cosmic memory. Not only material shapes, also mental forms and spiritual templates, all emerge from backgroud information, from transcendent order.

Emergence is repetitive formation of patterns, which are predictabile when righly environmental conditions occur. Science of emergence is the study of the phenomena which emerge out of the collection of interacting subunits of emerging order. Emergent networks are systems with negative or bipolar feedback, thus emergent systems are stable and in cooperation, like fractals.

And how the order forms? Excitations of quantum field at microscopic scale push the molecules of matter into new positions. The hidden information generates an attractive force (which initiates the particles movement), which grants a spontaneous entropy decrease.

Actually a microscopic excitation of energy causes a molecular dipole formation of matter elements. Dipolar structure of electromagnetic interaction is the source and causation of emergent attractive force which forms matter emergent structure throughout phase transitions. This new structure incorporates information of matter distribution.

Generally, what is observed : Bits of energy representing specific quantum subjects (as protons, electrons and other elementary particles) became structured or restructured. On macroscopic material level new structure appear, or structure changed to an other. On mental level we 'catch' some idea – energy bits became structured in neural correlates of consciousness, on spiritual level we follow the universal wisdom – we establish the spiritual connection and optimize unconsciousness.

Emergence of order breaks the equilibrium and causes generation of templates which are energetically more efficient. Energy decreases together with entropy fall of the emergent unit. Energy flows from the emergent formation to environment. In this way is this action well suited – following the law of energy conservation and homogenization.

Now anew the question arises – what is more fundamental? Is it energy balance or entropy balance? Entropy decrease is escorted by energy transformation. Symetric homogeneous matter distribution changes due to local influence to a formation with lower energy. Some potential energy is needed to go back to initial homogenity and isotropy. Any kind of potential energy is the energy held by a system or formation because of the position of its constituents, more precisely position information. Any kind of potential energy is tied to a force, which is to overcome to restore starting homogeneous configuration.

So we see that any emergent attractive interaction can change a symmetry to a broken symmetry of emergent order. And position information of this asymmetry produces instantaneously entropy decrease. Attractive force is interlocked with entropic force and emergent attractive force is coupled with emergent entropic force. In this manner information of emergent matter templates is the source of entropic force.