1. The whole

Cosmos as opposite to chaos represents order. Order implies information. Information is not to confuse with signal carried by sound or light.

Information is essential to order, cosmos or the whole. Information originates coincidentally. So only the first step was accidental, all successive are consequential. There is no intention, no purpose. Cosmic evolution is self-made.

On quantum level is proven that no erasement of information is given. What is closer to the core of cosmos is out of observation, outside physics.

But we can exploit spiritual experience. The whole is transcendent, is unconscious, is dieu, is at all the whole of information. Some believe, some confide, some follow their intuition.

Reaffirm - information is fundamental, and is the origin of emergent order.

Material world

Since Descartes the sciences are bound to 'materia'. So our worldview is limited, not full and open. Today's paradigm cannot overwhelm the whole. The whole of Cosmos.

What is possible to follow within the Nature of material world?

We can see, study and discuss only a pick, the oversee part, of floating iceberg.

Physics is a good tool to challenge the Nature, but 'only' Nature, not Cosmos.

What we have is not only physics, as leading discipline of exact sciences, but also mental interactions of soul, cogitation, consciousness and our senses. That's all, but not lowly.

In this position is advantageous to follow matter and energy. The competing strategy is more common – spacetime description – seemingly simple, but later on more and more full of hurdles.

Quantum physics is understandable in energy description, but hard comprehensible and unbelievable in spacetime. Why take we this challenge?

What is fundamental : matter, energy, subatomic interactions/forces – strong and week, electromagnetism, entropy balance, momentum space topology - information

What is emergent : space, gravity, material structures, mental patterns

What is dependent : time, universe, life, consciousness

What is dominant at micro/quantum level : information nonerasability and maintainance

What is dominant at macro level : entropy increase – information diffusion