I. Human

Human being is on the top of the cosmic evolution in the conditions similar to them on our planet Earth. All innovations spread instantly in the manner of the 'hundert monkeys' case. According to observation are the important steps of evolution stored in a universal memory after the test on a group on about hundert individuals. Accidentally this amount of people equals the bigness of former human clan. After this new facility is proven in a feedback loop of information stored in local memory and used for the next emergence, and robustness check in local environment, is this information suddenly available for everybody in cosmos.

This processing is accompanied with a strong control of possible faults in this loop. Anyway tiny deviations occur, and prepare the next evolutionary step. Not all steps are successfull. Only the advantageous survive and are stored in the memory, and are available for the next optimalization of the body within given surrounding conditions.

Human body is constructed in a top-down causation. The central tendency of evolution is deputed to the parts, which use all the possible chances to improve the viability of man. This incorporates not only material optimalizations of body, but also mental innovation of human skils and also spiritual progress of mind.

Human body and all living bodies on Earth are well-suited for ambient conditions. Sun is the source of energy, earth electromagnetic field not only harmonizes the living organisms in body-field resonances, but also blocks the solar wind of particles, and so makes the conditions on Earth properly for life. Human body is highly complex, and is conserved in homeostatic equilibrium in a web of regulation loops. This basic living state is not to grasp in the concept of classical physics. The way out is to abandon locally the entropy increase principle.

Human brain is optimized to catch and utilize sensorial and extrasensorial inputs in neural correlates of consciousness. As the observations confirm, are this correlates not bound to single cells or material parts, but show the cooperation/correlation of cell staffolds – the microtubules – in the area of the correlate. Observed biophotos which originate in microtubules trigger necessary actions in cell complexes, and are used as the controlling agent of intricate regulation loops.

Humans are psychosomatic entities, moreover the psychic regulation of our body is decisive. All the regulation loops are flexible and to some extent reversible. The best way to maintain health is periodical controlling with acupuncture treatment. As acupuncture harmonize the body electromagnetic regulation and optimizes homeostasis.

Next generation is build up from the biological gens transported in the parental cell. This is the genetic contribution, inclusive DNA. This acid serves as a material template for generating of the most widespread proteins. But not all needed material ingredients are synthetized from DNA. Some parts are constructed direct from information imbedded in topology – they emerge in positions, where they are needed. The other input to offspring is epigenetic impregnated from the surrounding, including mental behaviour. And the last one is spiritual, out of cosmic wisdom – from transcendence.