B. Quantum

Quantum world is the starting point of nature investigation from the sub-atomic level. What we observe and what is crucial on quantum level – all is made from discrete blocks, bits. Moreover quantum bits are bits of energy. There is no continuity, familiar in our world, and any aspiration to carry over our knowledge about macro realizations in space to quantum level is misguided. Especially the fiction of particles, bits of matter in space, is misleading. Photons as carriers of electromagnetic interaction, are energy bits, quanta of energy, no particles.

Atom is also no real particle. Only when more atoms came together – only than a piece of matter emerge as a result of decoherence. Decoherence is a common act of realization in space-time. Single atoms loose their quantum wavelike character. You may observe single atoms and photons, but all this observations show wavelike subjects of energy. Some authors use the label particle-like, but this is only a fiction!

And what is energy? There is one connection how to declare energy – the mass/energy relation E=mc2. But what it really is? Now, in quantum kind od view is energy a bit of existence. Energy is quantized. All the bits of energy have some specific value, and respond to some quantum entity, quantum subject.

Only after decoherence – realization into spacetime – some object emerge. Here is to punctuate the difference between quantum 'subject' and spacetime 'object'. One can take an opposite view, which is even not bad : What if spacetime realizations are subjective and quantum energy bits are fundamental and objective? This interpretation moreover corresponds to the energy-mass fundamentality and space-time emergence.

To close the 'what is energy' consideration, let me propose two possible scenarios of energy, as total of quantum energy bits.

First – quantum energy bits are fundamental and contain also the information of order. In this scenario, during energy changes new structures can emerge direct on the information-energy level. Phase transitions of matter occur in a self-made manner according to energy phase information, from energy which generates the matter.

Second – quantum energy is a medium to form entities from information. To close this circle, I have to explain two uncertainties. A: where energy commes from, B: where information commes from.

A. Energy is fundamental in our universe after big-bang, the initial creative fluctuation. At that moment positive mass-energy separate from the negative pressure of expansion.

B. Information is fundamental and stored in topology, on some underlying level.

In this way is energy a shapable medium and phase transitions are topology driven, according to information stored in topology.

But, our observations cannot decide whether this topology incorporating structure information of emergent order, is based in energy, or separately. So the above mentioned scenarios are both possible.

Quantum physics is understandable only in the energy description. Quantum mechanics was a poor ancestor of today's quantum-field theory comprising a huge amount of aplication. From the starting point 'shut up and calculate' of beginning incomprehension, quantum physics is now a real help, how to exact inscribe the observed facts not only in physics, but also in chemistry and biology.