Victory conditions

If the start of games are too slow (and hence well a developed random game engine is required), the end of games can be even more frustrating. Particularly with Civilisation II, I often get to a stage where I know for absolute certain that I'm going to win (by conquest), and yet to achieve the game's victory conditions I have to continue playing until the last city is taken. To counter this playability problem, here are a few suggestions:

    • AI that surrenders when it's obvious the game is up (this could possibly be extended to players as well, for example once they are losing so badly they get a message that states "You have been assassinated by members of your inner circle who came to the conclusion that continuing this mad struggle against unassailable odds would only result in unnecessary bloodshed. Game Over.")

    • Victory conditions such as 2/3 of the world's military power (unit strength x number of units), 2/3 of the world's population, 2/3 of the world's land area. Perhaps when you get to such a state you get a message "You now have under your control 2/3 of the world's military strength - enough to double all that stand in your way. From this point on, victory is certain. You Win! If you would like to play out this inevitable victory, click "Play on", otherwise click "Bask in the glory of your conquest".

    • Victory conditions being: half the world's population, half the world's military strength, half the world's diplomatic strength, half the world's economic strength AND half the world's land area. (Obviously the half could be 2/3 or some other multiplier.)