
When a unit is selected to attack an enemy tile that contains fortifications (or the units are fortified), the player should be presented with three options:

    • storm the fortifications

    • attrition siege

    • starvation siege

This list is in increasing order of duration, but in decreasing order of casualty rates.

The two sides' units occupy the same tile for the duration of the siege.


Units in a tile that is being sieges are unable to get supply from adjacent friendly tiles (or from that tile), and therefore have to rely on the supply stocks within the fortification. Hence, as supply runs low the defender weakens.

Attackers are able each turn to select their siege approach as detailed above.

Fortification networks

To model trench warfare and front based warfare, the concept of fortification networks is useful. A tile with fortification networks is not cut of from supply from adjacent tiles (or from that tile). As such, the defenders within that tile can only be cut off if all surrounding tiles are non-friendly.

When the defending tile has a fortification network, only the first attack (i.e. storming the fortifications) is available to the player.