Sex-Saturated Culture -- Commentary & Erotica -- Adults only.








                                                                                                 feeding frenzy

                                                                                                                       👠 X  👠      

"Promiscuity is practically sacramental in this place [college]. It’s all hook-up, all the time, as popular music by self-described 'feminist' artists proves handily. In the aforementioned song 'Slut Like You,' a quintessential anthem of the day, self-described feminist singer Pink mocks the idea of falling in love, adding, 'I just wanna get some' and 'Wham bam thank you ma’am  Boo-hoo / I’m a slut like you.'


Slut Like You  -- P!nk

I'm not a slut I just love love

Tell me something new

'Cause I've heard this

Okay I'll fuck you

A little taste test

You'll be my little friend

And they think we fall in love

But that's not it

Just want to get some

Ain't that some shit


EXHIBITS A, B, C, D, E & F                 

                                  21st CENTURY ENTERTAINMENT 

for CHILDREN OF ALL AGES:  “Mommy, what’s that animal she’s riding”

"Miss Cyrus simulated an orgy and asked the audience of mostly young girls if they were slutty"

         NOTE:  Anytime I start to worry that some of this stuff is too extreme, 

I reassure myself that it's not by watching some MTV, or "Girls"

or "Inside Amy Schumer"  or "Broad City" or etc. or etc. etc.

NOTE: I am certain the seemingly boundless ocean of internet pornography -- combined with radical feminism and an increasingly hyper-sexualized pop media (TV, movies, and music) -- is profoundly altering our culture -- and in particular the way males perceive females.

31 percent of the women surveyed said they watched porn every week,

another 30 percent said they did so a few times a month

and 10 percent of respondents gets a daily fix.  Marie Claire 

"We fuck who we want and we have our reasons"


Via this blaring media "loudspeaker", female promiscuity is constantly being validated and, in fact, is being -- with great zeal -- encouraged. Which is fine by me. However, at the same time, males are expected to suppress their very strongest drive so as to (a) not objectify females -- and (b) not be aggressive towards them -- even as these females LOUDLY AND PROUDLY  ADVERTISE THEIR SEX APPEAL. 

Rather than this unbounded female sexual liberation leading to improved male/female relations, I predict much trouble resulting as a great many men struggle to adjust to this unprecedented new-age version of a woman -- or decline to adjust  - and become hostile. 

  SEXUAL HOSTILITY             


See her sexualized dress and behavior berserk-inflame Islamism's hatred of America. (See the Bertha Kontrolla Major section.)


                      EMPOWERED PUBLICLY 

"just because someone chooses to be empowered by her sexuality publicly does not mean she is the enemy of feminist progress."  Rashida Jones

                                         TWO WAYS TO  WILE AWAY THE HOURS

                     CULTURAL PROGRESS - THEN ------------------------------------->>>>> AND NOW





                                     AMERICAN VAGINAS -- OPENING NOW -- INTIMACY NOT NEEDED

“A hookup can include anything from a goodnight kiss to anal sex. But they are always a matter of casual sex, no strings attached. Orenstein points out that they are not the first generation to indulge in casual sex—that would be the Baby Boomers . . . The big difference between then and now is that now, if a relationship develops, sex comes before the first date. But most girls do not want an emotional relationship from casual hookups.” Daily Kos

"The script, according to this ritual, is: First you fuck, then (perhaps) you date"

                                                                                         PERHAPS THEY'LL DATE



In the age of promiscuity, women have more sexual partners than men - More Magazine

Sexuality is the strongest of the instincts; it makes men and women want to break through all restraints.  Others’ feelings and their rights, the judgment of family and friends, regard for one’s safety are no barriers to erotic passion at its peak; and since passion in its general form of libido is at the heart of every kind of fierce ambition, political or artistic, in either it may mean revolt."  Jacques Barzun – From Dawn to Decadence  

                                                         simply because they wanted to.                     

                                                                              DEEP THROATING

Performing fellatio by relaxing the back of the throat, eliminating the gag reflex to allow deeper penetration of the penis.      practice makes perfect 

                                                                                A QUICK WAY TO ORGASM            

"Although those benefits are great, and I certainly love pornography, let's be real: 73 percent of women said they watched porn because it was a quick way to orgasm.  Amen, sisters.  Women love porn. We need to accept it. We need to embrace it, because it's just a fact."   Huffington Post    

                                                 THE WEDDING RECEPTION RECEPTION 


"It's like money. The guys get it and they kind of give you more attention

and they're really happy with you"


                              "The Cardinal Virtue:  Satisfying Your Sexual Appetite                

 “All this is because, in Huxley’s meticulously imagined future, the cardinal virtue is satisfying your appetites, and the worst vice is repression. . .  What has come true in “Brave New World,” to a much larger extent, is the liberation of sexuality.  NY Times 

The new guidelines redefine sexual harassment, saying: “Sexual harassment is 

unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature and can include unwelcome sexual advances"


          SLUT:  a woman who has sexual relationships with a lot of men without any emotional involvement


                                                                  Animalistic and Ravenous

"Far from being more sexually modest and restrained than the male libido, the female sex drive is 'omnivorous and base, nothing if not animal.'   Bergner, and the leading sex researchers he interviews, argue that women's sexuality is not the rational, civilized and balancing force it's so often made out to be -- that it is base, animalistic and ravenous."  The Atlantic 2012


                             Role-Model:  Beyonce - Grammy Performance - 8 PM Eastern

      Impressionable:  Ready to be accept or be impressed by the personalities of other people


                          Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex, SEX, SEX!!!     


                             Libido:  someone’s feelings of wanting to have sex



  According to a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Research, about half (49 percent) of young adult women                    agree that viewing pornography is an acceptable way of expressing one’s sexuality.

                                                                    drawing by F. Rops

NY Times Dec. 2013 -- "In 1973, Erica Jong exploded onto the literary scene with “Fear of Flying,” her chronicle of the soul-searching, sensuality-seeking adventures of an intellectual young poet named Isadora Wing . . . Isadora’s frank, explicit, chatty account of her quest for no-strings, satisfying sex (“absolutely pure” and “free of ulterior motives”) electrified and titillated the critical establishment."

                                                            Quest For No-Strings, Satisfying Sex

Ross Douthat -- NY Times -- 2013  "One possibility, which I take to be view of a number of the feminist writers who criticized my column, is that the division in stated [male/female sexual] preferences is itself a social convention — one of the legacies of patriarchy and male privilege, an entirely socially-constructed divergence that reflects the historical shaming of promiscuous women and the devaluing of female sexual pleasure."   


                                                    the historical shaming

                                                                              of promiscuous women   


                   THE DEVALUING      

                          OF FEMALE SEXUAL 




"From early glances at her data, Chivers said, she guesses she will find that women are most turned on, subjectively if not objectively, by scenarios of sex with strangers."  NY Times 



"In this view, women who think they want to wait longer to have sex than men and who are more uncomfortable than males with the idea of sex with near-strangers are victims of false consciousness, disconnected from their actual desires and own best interests, and their enduring hang-ups are an obstacle to equality, freedom, and truly liberated decision making."  Ross Douthat -- NY Times -- 2013

"The female fantasy of sex with a male friend didn't provoke much interest at all but the fantasy of sex with a male stranger provoked a response that was eight times more powerful."  The  Daily Mail UK

Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex, SEX, SEXXX etc. 

                          After the Asteroid: A Brave New Female World



                                          Grace:  elegance, beauty; dignified, polite, and decent behavior

                          Demure:  looking or behaving in a modest manner

Modesty:  reserve in appearance, manner, and speech, especially in relation to sexual matters



                                  Virtue:  the quality of being morally good or righteous

                                Sexual Freedom Unbridled by the Conventions of Marriage

The Atlantic -- August 2012 -- "But this analysis downplays the unbelievable gains women have lately made, and, more important, it forgets how much those gains depend on sexual liberation. . . To put it crudely, feminist progress right now largely depends on the existence of the hookup culture. And to a surprising degree, it is women—not men—who are perpetuating the culture.  Women have discovered a sexual freedom unbridled by the conventions of marriage, or any conventions”.  




THE MEDIA: The number of sexual scenes on television has nearly doubled 

ABC's Desperate Housewives is the most popular broadcast-network television show with kids aged 9-12 according to      Nielsen stats.   



During prime time hours sex is even more common with nearly 8 in 10 shows including sexual content, averaging 5.9 sexual scenes per hour.



  From the Rand Corporation:  Typical teen television fare contains heavy doses of sexual content,ranging from touching, kissing, jokes, and innuendo to conversations about sexual activity and portrayals of intercourse. Sex is often presented as a casual activity without risk or consequences.

Two recent studies led by RAND Health behavioral scientist Rebecca Collins examined the impact of TV sex on teenagers’ sexual beliefs and activities. The results supported the view that watching shows with sexual content may influence teen sexual behavior:

Watching TV shows with sexual content apparently hastens the initiation of sexual activity.


Sexual talk on TV has the same effect on teens as depictions of sex.




In case you aren't aware of what's going on and where we're headed sex-wise.


 For Kids -- Candy -- Wrappers With Copulating Fruit!

A spokesman for Haribo (the manufacturer) said the “fun” packaging was introduced in Germany in 2002 and added: ‘This jovial MAOAM is very popular with fans, both young and old’.

                                           Sex is on everybody’s mind -- bigtime



 Yes I know . . .  it’s always been like that, but this is a whole new ballgame.  It’s the females who are leaping off the old-school  normalcy charts



                                                                               Female Vocalists Then . . . 

                                                               and Now


                    I'm feeling it!

THEY'RE FEELING IT                    

                                 HERE'S MINE!                                        



For the first time since the dawn of mankind, women can now be as

sexual as they please . . . . . . . . . . . . .





                                           with no fear of pregnancy!



Females before effective birth control;

                                                     Females after effective birth control:  


                                                                     Pharmacology's new-age wisdom:  girls will girls will be boys

                                                                                    Sexually Aggressive



According to Liebau, television shows portray women as the ones who are aggressive and rarely are female virgins shown. TV helps create an image that since women on popular shows are engaging in sexual behavior, then it is acceptable.  ABC

Time Magazine January 2014 "Women are becoming more sexually confident . . .  more aggressive and violent in both good ways

and bad"

                                 MORE SEXUALLY CONFIDENT . . . MORE AGGRESSIVE AND VIOLENT



The Daily Beast – March 2014 - But it’s not a redefining of terms alone that explains the increase, says Dr. Greenberg. “I really do believe that girls are more aggressive sexually today than they were ten years ago. I think it has a lot to do with the hook-up culture where there’s this permission to get involved physically without getting involved emotionally

. . . now girls are doing the initiating.”





NY Times - 2009 "in women the opposite is generally true: the higher the sex drive, the greater the attraction to both sexes" 


    I kissed a girl and I liked it,

    it felt so wrong, it felt so right.  Katy Perry    






Watching provoked strong and swift genital arousal

NY Times – Jan 2009 -- All was different with the women. No matter what their self-proclaimed sexual orientation, they showed, on the whole, strong and swift genital arousal when the screen offered men with men, women with women and women with men . . . And with the women, especially the straight women, mind and genitals seemed scarcely to belong to the same person. The readings from the plethysmograph and the keypad weren’t in much accord. During shots of lesbian coupling, heterosexual women reported less excitement than their vaginas indicated.

`                                                                                    More Predatory



"For months Pamela Collins had bonded with the 12-year-old boy she was hired to                                                                                babysit.  But that's not all the former Halifax girl was doing.  

In a retrospective study of male victims, 60% reported being abused by females. The same rate was found in a sample of college students. In other studies of male university and college students, rates of female perpetration were found at levels as high as 72% to 82% -- Canadian CRC


Wash Post – August 2012 -- Gaskins allegedly attacked the boy when he was spending the night with her 13-year-old son at her apartment, a night that was supposed to be filled with video games, prosecutors said. 

The woman gave the teenager a glass of fruit juice mixed with vodka, according to court records. Later that evening, according to court records and testimony from a D.C. detective, Gaskins pulled the teenager into her bedroom and sexually assaulted him.  Gaskins’s children banged on her bedroom door, crying for their mother to “let him go,” according to court records.



                                            Delighted To Be Sex-Objectified


                                 Ready, Willing & Able Sex Objects  


               “The girl grabbed the mic,” says Sean Lavery, a Northwestern freshman. “She explained that she had a fetish for being watched by large crowds while having an orgasm.” The Daily Beast



Masters & Johnson“Masturbating women concentrating only on their own sexual demands, without the psychic distractions of a coital partner, may enjoy many sequential orgasmic experiences without allowing their sexual tensions to resolve below plateau-phase levels.  Usually physical exhaustion alone terminates such an active masturbatory session"




                                                 Pussy Riot -- Women's Appropriation of Sexual Agency!    


NY Times – August 2012 -- Now, suddenly, punk has been resurrected, stitched together anew in the form of the

well- accessorized Russian women who call themselves Pussy Riot.  The name helps. It’s its own form of culture jam, a savvy reference to feminist and musical history — riot grrrl and Susie Bright, as well as a wink to women’s appropriation of sexual agency and bodily power



                                 The Atlantic - August 2012 -- "These women [at Yale] were as blasé about blow jobs



                                                                                 and anal sex


                 as the one girl I remember from my junior year whom we all considered destined for a tragic early marriage or an asylum."


             About 40 percent of women ages 20 to 49 have had anal sex, the study found. Indiana U. 2011

                                                                       Brazen:  showing or expressing boldness and a complete lack of shame



                               The Atlantic – August 2012 -- Women benefit greatly from living in a world  

                                where they can have 


                                                           sexual adventure without commitment or shame



                     MORE . . .



                                                                 More overt sex appeal in their dress;



                                             More openly sexual . . .     

                                                              in public





                    uninhibited about "displaying" 



  “Not wearing panties is risqué; you get a naughty rush knowing you’re so exposed” explains Los Angeles clinical sexologist Ava Cadell, PhD. –            Cosmopolitan Magazine   


                     Comfortable at the pool or beach being just barely not naked. 







                                                      more generous-to-a-fault about mouthing off –

                                                  And -- less discriminating

                                                                    MORE WILLING WITH ALMOST ANYONE

                      Because meth stimulates sexual appetite so powerfully, the victim may be willing to have sex with almost anyone


                             Exploring new horizons 


                                                 empowered and uninhibited


                             Sexuality Is A Wonderful Thing Where 13-year-old Girls Can Have Influences On Grown Men

Winnifred's mother, Jenny Bonjean, is a feminist who says she's trying to raise an uninhibited, empowered girl.

"My message to my daughter is, sexuality is a wonderful, beautiful thing. You should embrace it. ... Unfortunately, it is in the culture the first power that they feel ... where 13-year-old girls can have influences on grown men," Bonjean-Alpart said.   ABC Nightline - Oct 2012


And what are the guys doing – excelling in math and science, etc.?  Working towards being on their own, settling down, and "raising a family"?  Hell no – they’re living with their parents, working on their look/body-building so as to partake of the fabulous new female sexual banquet. 



Far more disturbing, a growing male culture of what I call “New Age Cave -- Jack-Ass-Hole World" has spread across society --  human behavior at a primitive level -- yet considered "cool".



Yeah, we’re in one-hell-of-a sexual revolution.  The pop-culture is

totally focused on sex.




NY Times – May 2011 -- In early March, Professor John Michael Bailey of Northwestern University invited a couple to perform a live sex-act in front of the students in his course on Human Sexuality. . . The man brought the (naked) woman to orgasm with the help of a device with a name this newspaper will not print.)


ABC News – July 2009 -- In a new National Health Service (Great Britain) leaflet entitled "Pleasure," 

                               teenagers are encouraged to exercise their right to "an orgasm a day.".

                     "Seriously, baby -- you have the right to an orgasm a day -- not several."                                  

Most television sitcoms are loaded with sexual innuendo – as are many of the ads. Many MTV videos are basically soft-core pornography.  Hip-Hop & Rap are mostly "Baby I can fuck you so good", "Adore yourself", and "Where's my Mercedes?" .  Sexually explicit movies are the norm.  Most stand-up comics' routines are loaded with sexual material. 


And the internet . . . forget it!


 Survey Suggests Women Are Way More Into Porn Than Many Think – Huffington Post 2013

Women Having Wilder Sex, Watching Porn, Survey Reveals -- The findings that 76 percent of women use porn is a 10 percent rise on the two-thirds of females who admitted to watching porn in a survey last year.  Fox News




"We are creating a generation of super-sexualized children"  Psychology Today

It has long seemed plain-as-day obvious to me that given the way our culture has become more and more and more sexualized -- via television, movies, music videos, advertising, etc. – that children as young as 10-years-old -- and even younger – inevitably were  going to start behaving sexually with one another.   

 Should Children Who Have Sex With Each Other Be Prosecuted?   Newsweek, April 2015


"We're seeing children as young as seven, eight and nine being sexually aggressive with children as young as three, four and five,"  ABC News

Children as young as 10 are having sex and filming it  -- Daily Star

A 2009 Department of Justice study, which focused only on sex crimes committed by children in which other children were the victims, found that one out of eight youth sex offenders committing crimes against other children was younger than 12. – Boston Review 


"We are creating a generation of super-sexualized children. A significant number of children are actually demonstrating sexual interest and/or sexual behavior at earlier ages than ever before in our society."  Psychology Today


                                 IMMERSED IN =================== SEXUAL MESSAGES


(The above article from the NY Times.  Porn has become so mainstreamed that we're now debating whether or not it's bad for children.) 


This media-driven, utterly unstigmatized sexualization has become so normalized that I’ve come to believe there is not much – at this late date – our society can do to stop the momentum of this younger and younger downward spiral.

Last year, a law enforcement investigation found five boys (4 to 7 years-old) were involved in sexual acts with three boys performing oral sex on each other and then on two other boys, according to the state attorney's office.    Sarasota Herald Tribune – 2014

                                                                      Early Sexualization

                     (Above from the documentary “Sexy Baby”)

“My 9-year-old daughter wants to wear short skirts and midriff-baring tops to school, but I don't want her to dress like a teenager.”  


"Clothing for young girls has become increasing sexualized, said Sarah Murnen, a social psychologist at Kenyon College in Ohio and the senior author of the new study. Last year, a study by Murnen and colleagues found that 30 percent of children's clothing at major retailers had sexualizing characteristics.


Abercrombie Kids had the highest proportion of sexualized kids' clothes, with 72 percent of preteen clothing featuring sexualizing aspects, such as suggestive writing, slinky material or a revealing cut."


“Echoing comments by Fraser from Girls Action Foundation, a commentator on CBC accuses society of not accepting adolescent sexuality.” CWHN.CA


The truth is that today’s tweens live in a world in which they are surrounded by sexual messages. Access to sexual content is as easy as a couple of clicks on a keyboard or taps on a tablet. Psychology Today 2013



"Our tween granddaughters are having oral sex with their boyfriends 


and want us to get them on the pill so they can start having sex with them." 



“Ashley, 14, agrees with Brad. She first performed fellatio when she was 11, she says, but most of her friends started later, around 12 or 13. In today's girl-power world, some girls view oral sex as a means to assert control over when and how they are sexual. Branagan acknowledges the girl-power issue plays a role. "It's almost as if the girls are getting a kind of reversed power out of it," she said."  Metro Active



Washington Post -- But far and away the most troubling -- and astounding -- comes from Louisiana, where four fifth-graders are accused of having sex in front of about 10 other students in an unsupervised classroom. A fifth stood lookout for teachers.  Apparently, the teacher inadvertently left the class alone for about 15 minutes.                          


                  Four Fifth-Graders

KINSEY - TABLE 34                                       

March 2014 -- A kindergarten teacher has been suspended from her job after two of her students were found ‘having sex’ while naked in her classroom's bathroom.  According to a police report, Mascio found the two five-year-olds - a boy and girl – naked in her in-classroom bathroom. They told her they were ‘having sex.

A 2010 Parents Television Council analysis of prime-time broadcast shows geared to teens found that when underage girls are on screen, more sexual content is shown, girls are shown responding almost uniformly positively to their own sexualization and their sex acts are portrayed mostly as jokes and hook-ups — incidents that happen outside any form of committed relationship.



"A tween is a person who is between the ages of 10 to 12 years old." - Wikipedia

Nearly one-third of tweens say sexual activity is a part of tween dating relationships.

Touching and feeling up - 37% of tweens

Oral sex – 27% of tweens

Sexual intercourse – 28% of tweens  

Assessing Self-Sexualization -- The Paper Doll Choice:

Salt Lake City - Utah Supreme Court justices acknowledged Tuesday that they were struggling to wrap their minds around the concept that a 13-year-old girl could be both an offender and a victim for the same act - in this case, having consensual sex with her 12-year-old boyfriend.


The Ogden, Utah, girl was put in this odd position because she was found guilty of violating a state law that prohibits sex with someone under age 14. She also was the victim in the case against her boyfriend, who was found guilty of the same violation by engaging in sexual activity with her. Denver Post 

“Barbara Kapetanakes, a psychologist at a conservative Jewish day school in New York, describes her students' skirts as being about "the size of a belt." . . . Her students [looked] "like they should be hanging around the West Side Highway where prostitutes ply their trade.”

“Last week I took my 12-year-old daughter Alyssa shopping for a dress for her first junior high school dance. . . I couldn’t believe the dresses I had to veto because of the length (almost up to her crotch). . . Here's Alyssa's account:  "My mom thinks I should wear what she wore when she was my age.  What's wrong with looking sexy?"


NY Times Dec 2010 – Christine struggled with how to supervise her daughter online. The challenge was compounded because students in the girl’s grade were playing sexualized Truth or Dare games.   Her daughter had a leading role. . . That was how Christine discovered 82 exchanges between her daughter, a freshman, and a popular senior boy at the school.                 


                                 Her daughter offered him oral sex if he promised not to tell friends.

                                The boy wrote back,  “Would it be O.K. if I tell friends but not the ones at school?”


Newsweek Mag.  July 2008 -- In a study this year of more than a 1,000 tweens (kids between the ages 11 and 14), commissioned by Liz Claiborne Inc. and, nearly half said they'd had a boy- or girlfriend, and one in four said that oral sex or going "all the way" is part of a tween romance.

SALEM, Mass. (CAP) - Halloween festivities in Salem, Mass. were marred this weekend when police arrested more than a dozen 11- and 12-year-old girls, mistaking them for prostitutes.



 "Well, you can't tell me they didn't look like prostitutes," said Salem Police spokesman Howard Wieczorek, who noted that they were only incarcerated for "a few hours" before their parents were able to pick them up.      


July 2010 – Helena, Montana’s proposed Sex Education Program:

"By the 6th grade students should understand that sexual intercourse includes -- but is not limited to -- vaginal, oral, or anal penetration using the penis, fingers, tongue or objects."


“Groups that monitor teen sex recognize that sexual activity now begins at eleven or twelve in the United States. – . . . In one study, survey data showed 58% of students at a middle school were sexually active. . . as they enter the tween years  - 8 to 12 – many of them begin to engage in sexual activity. . . and we need to think about why sexual activity of very young children is rapidly becoming a social norm”.  M. Durham The Lolita Effect  



His thirteen-year-old sister, Lizzie, was reading Cosmopolitan.  

She was learning about how to give a great blow job.  




Bill Clinton didn't help.

"You see, in our culture 'oral' isn't considered sex.  Like, it's a more exciting

below-the-belt variation of what we call french kissing."  


Washington Post  Friday, September 16, 2005   -- Slightly more than half of American teenagers ages 15 to 19 have engaged in oral sex, with females and    males reporting similar levels of experience, according to the most comprehensive national survey of sexual behaviors ever released by the federal government.


Several leaders of organizations that study or work with youth expressed surprise at the level of girls' participation. "You assume that females are more likely to give, males more likely to receive," said Jennifer Manlove, who directs fertility research for the organization Child Trends. "We were surprised that the percentages were similar."


"Many of the teens we talked with said that a new heightened awareness of oral sex being portrayed as not real 'sex,' was due in large part from the blue dress incident with Bill Clinton. . . . .



"If Bill Clinton can do it, get away with it and society shrug their shoulders and even continue to highlight and honor him today, it must not be that big of a deal," was a common response among the teens we talked with."




                                                                    Sexting -- i.e. 21st Century Tween/Teen Showbiz 


“Take a dirty picture for me,” urge the pop stars Taio Cruz and Kesha in their recent duet, “Dirty Picture.” “Send the dirty picture to me. Snap.” 

The McAfee security company’s 2014 Love, Relationships & Technology survey found that 54% of their respondents regularly send or receive intimate photos, videos, texts and emails, and that number spikes to 70% when it comes to those aged 18 to 24.  NY Daily News 2014

A 2009 survey by AK Tweens, a marketing company, found nearly one-third of pre-teen girls engaged in sexting.   The girls typically received the sexualized messages and images as early as age 10 and begin sending their own by age 12.  Their most frequently cited motive: to "get attention."



April 2016 – Teen sexting has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. says Donna Rice Hughes, president and CEO of Enough Is Enough, an Internet safety group.

Almost 30% of teens have sent naked photos of themselves via email or text according to a University of Texas study, which also reveals that 57% of teens say they have been asked to send one, and 31% admitted requesting nude photos from friends.


“I’ve seen everything from your basic striptease to sexual acts being performed,” says Detective Brian Marvin of the FBI Cyber Crime Task Force of Central Ohio.

Young Webcam Exhibitionists – Sexting Gone Video


Down the Rabbit Hole -- way down:  The internet is crawling with hundreds upon hundreds of tween/teen American girls’ self-made/home-made sexualized webcam videos.  The girls are clearly not being coerced.  These videos typically feature nudity and, in some cases, masturbation.  One might define this phenomenon as child pornography created by children.  There is no way to tell if these girls uploaded the videos themselves -- or if their friends/boyfriends uploaded them with or without their consent. 


                                          THE CHILD WAS FREE FROM SEXUAL SHAME               

 good, good, good, good vibrations

Sex Toys For Tweens -- HuffingtonPost 2009



“The good doctor not only encouraged parents to talk to their kids early, she gave vibrators a ringing endorsement, extolling the dual benefits of helping a girl learn her way around her own body and acting as a possible deterrent from early (or inappropriate) sexual activity. And to ensure that this episode was not just good TV, but really good TV, Dr. Berman encouraged moms to help their daughters along in this department, even joining them for a shopping outing to a sex shop.”  


"My tween daughter and I got into one of our sex/sexuality discussions today and  she brought up that her friend's mother had gotten the friend    



                           “So the next logical step, says "Oprah" sexpert Dr. Laura Berman, is to buy our girls their first vibrators.”  Oprah 2009


In the meantime:   





                                            WHY DO PEOPLE TEACH?

       Fleek is accused of having sex with two 12-year-old students, including during class breaks.

Huffington Post – 2010 -- Forty-one-year-old English teacher at Londonderry High School, sent 'four sexy shots of herself,' with her 'genitals exposed,' to her 15-year-old male student, according to police. The sophomore told police that she texted him detailing sexual acts she wanted to perform with him.



                                                                Arrested             Arrested!

                                                                            Teacher's Pet

                                                                      ("Bad Boy" -- Eric Fischl)

NBC TV Dallas, August 2005 -- The allegations of sexual contact included episodes of bondage during which 30-year-old Dawn Reiser is accused of tying up the 13-year-old boy to engage in repeated sexual encounters. . . The boy testified that he had sex with Reiser 9 times during one rendezvous.  Reiser allegedly sent a letter concerning that particular sexual encounter to the boy while he attended a Bible camp.  “In the letter what is she referencing  in 'all night' prosecutor Mitch Poe asked the boy. “The sex.  That it was great all nine times we had sex” the boy answered.

. . . was convicted of molestation, battery, and sex with a 12-year-old student whom she had tutored at her home in December 2011. Anderson sent more than 230 pages of sexually explicit text messages to the boy.


    . . . kidnapping and raping her 10-year-old student numerous times.  Authorities say Rice admitted she raped the fourth-grade boy at a rest stop, and court documents indicate the pair had intercourse several times on previous occasions, including once in the boy's home.


. . . The pair became sexually active after he turned 16, with encounters in her classroom after school hours, in her car, at her mother's home, and at her home when her husband and children were away. After school let out for the summer, X met the teen at his Fort Worth house while he was alone. "She was going to a teacher conference that was near his house, and she was going over there on her lunch breaks and having sex with him," a detective said.                                                 


. . . teacher from Fresno, Calif., area convicted of having sex with three of her students

. . . who was a computer teacher at at a Haltom City, Texas, high school, was accused of having sex with several students.


. . . after the allegations were reported, two additional students, now adults, came forward and claimed they had sex with Whitehurst.


. . . after being charged with sex crimes against five underage students in August.

. . . had sex with her 15-year-old student several times in her apartment.


 Stephanie, 28: Math teacher at Martinez Middle School, was arrested March 13, 2008, accused of having sex with a 14-year-old boy.  She allegedly had sex with the student twice in her car and once in her apartment between October 2006 and May 2007.  She was arrested a second time on April 15, 2008, for sex with another boy, and then while free on bail, was arrested a third time on April 28 for allegedly having sex yet again with one of her previous victims.


A 25-year-old Florida teacher, Debra Lafave, pleaded guilty to having sex with a 14-year-old male student.  The boy testified that she was aroused by the fact that having sex with a student was prohibited.






                                                                                                                      She Often Stayed After School  

                       Ashley Had Sex With  The School Nurse Throughout the 6th Grade




   Pop Music Divas:  

                                           First Things First

                                (Katy Perry's "Peacock") 


                                  ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER WANNA SEE YOUR COCK, COCK, COCK                                

                                                               -- Britney Spears



Pop Music IS being dominated by divas caught up in a full-tilt slut-power race to out-sexualize each other.  



and what appealing and powerful role-models they are.     





  The Future -- is here    "we can get plenty of high-quality pornography easily and cheaply."     


Sharlene Azam -- Oral Sex Is the New Goodnight Kiss:

 With role models like these, immersed in a culture where sexuality is tied to celebrity status and money, girls are conditioned to feel empowered whenever they are the sexual center of attention"At a party or wherever, to get attention, two girls will start kissing




 and then all of a sudden it’s like everyone is looking and all of the attention is on you.   

It’s like you’re on fire,” explains Juma, a high school student. 


NY Times August 2013 -- "People have been making and consuming pornography since time immemorial. The difference today is that we can get plenty of high-quality pornography easily and cheaply. 

. . But that is not why people get up in arms over sexual pornography. The real reason is of course cultural taboos: sexual things are exciting, disgusting and have low social status. They tie in with strong emotion, our beliefs about religion and what it means to be proper in our culture. . . .   

Censorship is a blunt and potentially dangerous tool. By nature, it involves centralized surveillance of what information people exchange and the ability to block it. . . . 


                         USER CREATED


                                                  THE INSISTENT BABY BLUE DILDO


The fact that so much online pornography appears to be user-created should make would-be censors consider what role it plays: it is not just about sex. Getting people more involved in creating, manipulating and responsibly indulging their own desires might be much healthier for society than trying to channel them all in one direction." -- Anders Sandberg, a James Martin research fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University.



"Women were more likely to reach orgasm if they had sex with a casual or new acquaintance rather than in a relationship; 81% reported orgasm with a non-relationship partner."          Indiana U. Study



 Furthermore, they asserted, when a woman has intercourse with a man other than her regular sexual partner, she is more likely to have an orgasm




                                        FEDEX PRIORITY DELIVERY -- Sexual Relationships Without Emotional Ties     


At the same time, however, researchers say that young women are becoming equal partners in the hookup culture, often just as willing as young men to venture into sexual relationships without emotional ties.


                                                             Nicole Was In Control of Her Own Sexuality

"Slutwalk" co-founders Sonya Barnett and Heather Jarvis decided to redefine the word "slut" as someone who is in control of their own sexuality . They observe that historically, "slut" has had negative connotations, and that their goal is to reclaim the term.



"It’s much more sweeping and strange, though, to argue that in the name of female empowerment, male attitudes toward sex should be treated as comprehensively normative and healthy, 

and female attitudes should be treated as self-deceived and borderline pathological, and that women should reshape and renovate their own desires about sex and relationships to conform to what men already want." Ross Douthat, NY Times 2013



                     engine of female progress -- the most sexually aggressive women he had ever met


The Atlantic 2012   “Actually, the hookup culture is an engine of female progress— one being harnessed and driven by women themselves.” . . . “I had gone to visit the business school because a friend had described the women there as 

                          the most sexually aggressive women he had ever met.”


                     "in women the opposite is generally true: the higher the drive, the greater the attraction to both sexes"

It [sexuality] is the strongest of the instincts; it makes men and women want to break through all restraints.  Others’ feelings and their rights, the judgment of family and friends, regard for one’s safety are no barriers to erotic passion at its peak. Jacques Barzun – From Dawn to Decadence         


                                                                                                   GIRL POWER   

                           EVOLUTION                                                                                                                                  EVOLUTION                                                                                                   PROGRESS                                   EMPOWERMENT                                                                                                                                                           




It seemed like Nina was fucking Nicole, but Nicole was definitely fucking Nina



