Parent Info


My name is Karen Hodas, the photography teacher at General McLane High School. I am excited to write to you to tell you that you (or your child) have been enrolled in Photography 1 during the ___________________ term of the school year. It is an absolutely beautiful time of the year to take this course because of the_____________________________.

As stated in the course handbook, there are a few things that will be required for this class. (Everything that is listed below is also explained in detail on the website link that you will find at the bottom of this message)

1. Digital camera (ACTUAL camera, not a phone or device)

2. $20 lab fee (due within 2 weeks from the start of the school year)

3. Availability during evenings/weekends to capture photos

4. Willingness to seek outdoor* locations for unique photo-shoots

*ALL photography will need to be captured after school hours, during the daylight

Throughout the term, we will explore different subjects and ways to compose subjects. A few of the PHOTO SHOOT SUBJECTS that you can start looking for are:

1. a model

2. a unique vehicle

3. "once was" objects within nature (old abandoned glass, metal, wood)

4. landscapes with "lines" (fences, roads, paths)

NOTE: I have a VERY strict homework policy. Each Monday (or the first day back from the weekend), students will turn in photos from the assigned photoshoot. If students do not bring the photos in on Monday, they will receive 0/200 homework points. This policy has to be strict, because without the photos, there will be nothing for the students to work on during the week in class. If students do get the 0/200, I still encourage the students to capture the photos and bring them in asap so that they can still get the project points throughout the week. I do issue 1 "photo pass" for the course in case an emergency arises. In this case, they can use my photos instead of their own & still receive the homework points.

Please bookmark this webpage, and explore the various topics that we will be covering.

I am so excited to work with all of you! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me! Please enjoy the rest of the summer!


~Mrs. Karen Hodas


Students will need to have the following items to take the photography class:

  1. Pay the Lab Fee (see Mrs. Stawicki in the office) $20
  2. Students must own a DIGITAL CAMERA
    1. SPECS:
    • OPTION ONE: point and shoot camera
      • 10 megapixels
      • 3x OPTICAL zoom (not digital zoom)
      • Macro Function (tulip icon)
  • OPTION TWO: DSLR camera (digital single lens reflex)
    • 10 megapixels
    • Standard lens (example 18-105 mm)


QUESTION: what is better, the point and shoot or the DSLR?

ANSWER: The DSLR will give more professional results, however a point and shoot camera will suffice for the class. Students who plan to to pursue photography, may want to invest in a DSLR camera. A good starter DSLR is the Nikon 5100, Nikon D90, Canon Rebel

Top Brands: Nikon, Canon, Olympus

Next in Line: Casio, Kodak, Sony

The kids will need a few things to get started (as stated in the student course book)

1. Digital Camera

• 10mp (megapixels) or more (the higher the # the better quality the photos will be)

• 3x OPTICAL (not digital) zoom or more

Must be an actual CAMERA not a phone, iPad, or another electronic device that takes pictures

*NOTE: Students who will be taking Photo II, may want to consider purchasing a DSLR camera. Sam's club has a great deal on the Nikon 5100 that comes with 2 lenses. A DSLR is not required for the course, however it is what I recommend if anyone plans on continuing on with a photography hobby! I own the Nikon D90, with the 18-105mm lens and I LOVE it! Great camera!

2. $20 Lab Fee

• This is paid to Mrs. Stawicki in the office. Ask for a "shop" card for Photography class

• This cost helps defray the in-house photo printing that we do, and other costs associated with the materials needed for the class

4. Reusable Memory for the Camera

• Memory card that will be used just for this class

5. Camera Manual

• Students do not need to bring this into class, however they need to have access to the manual in order to operate some of the features/functions of their personal camera. If you do not have a manual, download a digital copy from online.

6. OPTIONAL: USB Cord, or USB Card Reader

• Students will need a way to get the photos from their camera to the computer. Students DO NOT need to bring the camera to school if they have a memory card and card reader. If you are not going to be bringing the camera to school I suggest getting a card holder wallet to protect the memory card. IF the students are bringing the camera to school, they may keep the cameras in the video studio. I do not recommend storing the camera in a locker, or in their book bags.


This is a 9 week course. For the duration of this course students will have a photo-shoot homework assignment EACH and EVERY weekend. The photo shoots will take place OUTDOORS only. Some travel to find nice locations may be needed. Students will take notes in class and have a specific requirement for each weekend's assignment. Every week will have unique requirements. All assignments will be given on Friday. If a student misses class on Friday, they are still responsible for the weekend photo-shoot. They can get the notes from another student in class, or go to our class website which will have the assignment with a slideshow and instructions. The link to the class website is:

You will be asked to sign and return the EXCUSE troubleshooting guide and expectation paper that I will send home on the first day of class. Please cut off the bottom strip and keep the top for your records to refer to the information. Also the excuse troubleshooting guide, expectations, and all handouts given to the students in class will be online for you to refer to. Including Test study guides, and note guides. Please bookmark the website:

Each week I will update the home page of the site with tips and suggestions.

I will only accept homework the day it is due. Photo shoot homework will usually consist of taking 25-30 (specific requirements) photos. On Mondays the students will upload the photos and turn in a contact sheet. I will access their work, and the contact sheet will be worth 200 points. If the students forget their photos at home, or do not have the photos for any other reason, and they are in school the day they are due, the WILL NOT GET THE POINTS FOR THE HOMEWORK portion (200 points) of the photo-shoot. They will have the opportunity to turn photos by the end of the week. Each week students will process 2 of the photos from the photo-shoot for an assignment grade. Which is worth more points than the homework grade. We will use the weekend photos the next week for the projects we will be doing in class, so if the students do not have the homework photos, they will not have anything to work on in class.

I am looking forward to this class. Students have been very successful and seem to love the course! I love teaching it! Please contact me if you have any questions/ (Mrs. Karen Hodas)

Thank you for your time! Please be sure to bookmark the class webpage:

You can also find student work on facebook at Karen Hodas Photography & Graphics I often post student work, so "LIKE" the page and feel free to tag your child's work!

~Mrs. Hodas