
Super Hero Requirements

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Super Hero Design

    1. Draw a superhero, or choose an inspiration for your superhero online
    2. Scan or import that super into the computer
    3. Crop File to desired size using the crop tool in PHOTOSHOP
      • NOTE: Your final SIZE will be on a paper that is 8.5"x11" with a border around it. So a 7x9 (or 9x7) size would work well, or a similar size based on the shape of your hero
    4. Save the file as a jpeg
    5. Create a new ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR file, size 8.5" x 11" or 11"x8.5"
    6. Insert the image| File > Place
    7. Constrain Proportions and resize it to fit the page
    8. Lower the opacity so that you can use it as a guide (about 20%)
    9. Lock the image | Select it then click Object > Lock > Selection

Choosing a "FONT" to base your lines on

      1. Study the lines of the original illustration
        • Are they all the same thickness
        • Are they Sketchy
        • Are they curvy
        • Are they sharp
    1. Find a font that will come close to matching the type of lines used to create the original illustration. Use (or any free font site)
    2. Download the font
    3. Find the downloaded font in the downloads folder
    4. Double click the font file, (ttf file) this will open the FONT BOOK
    5. Wait for it to install
    6. Now you should see that font in your character palette in Adobe Illustrator

Create a Character List

  1. Create a text box on the side of the art canvas (outside of the 8.5x11 page area)
  2. Type all of the Letters, Numbers, Shift Symbols, and Option Characters:
  3. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV and abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  4. 1234567890 then hold shift !@#$%^&*()
  5. Next find all of the other characters alone & with shift: ~`_-+={[}];:'",<.>?/\|
  6. Next find all of the characters by clicking OPTION on each key: ¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠⁄€‹›fifl‡‡°·‚—±œ∑´®†¥¨ˆøπ“‘«æ…¬˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåΩ≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷
  7. Next find all of the character by click OPTION and SHIFT on each key: Œ„´‰ˇÁ¨ˆØ∏”’»ÆÚÒÔÓ˝ÏÎÍŸ˛Ç◊ı˜Â¯˘¿.
  8. Note: MANY free fonts do not include ALL characters. Use as many as you can

Begin Your Design

  1. Set your T tool to your font. Type a character
  2. Create Outlines of that character SHIFT COMMAND O (or Type > Create Outlines)
  3. Use the move tool and find a location for that character
  4. Use as MANY different character as you can
  5. Keep typing characters, or using ALT to copy the character, but MAKE sure that you continually change your character into OUTLINES as you work. (or it will be a mess or a headache later)
  6. Refer to your CHARACTER List to inspire you to find areas to draw your character.
  7. You need to keep the weight of the lines consistent. Meaning if you enlarge one font, but use a small font in 2 different areas, one will be very thick and the other will be thin. Decide which weight you like best and keep that thickness/weight throughout the project.
    • Note: You may need to FLIP the letter (reflect tool) or ROTATE the letter
    • Tip: Play a GAME with yourself. Select a letter and be DETERMINED to use it SOMEWHERE within the design. You will be surprised as to how you can usually find a perfect place for it to fit into. Try all variations before you give up (right-side-up, up-side-down, reflected vertically, reflected horizontally, at an angle)
    • AVOID: Using all DASHES, SLASHED, parentheses, HYPHENS, Ls. These character are basically straight lines, and your project will not meet the required FONT SUPERHERO appearance. (Some areas are ok, but limit the use whenever there may be a different solution)

Modifying Characters

  1. Your goal is to keep as many characters in their original format as possible, however you are permitted to modify some of the letters to meet the needs of your design.
  2. To modify:
    1. You need to change the character to OUTLINES (COMMAND SHIFT o)
    2. With the one character selected, you can use the eraser tool to erase out the unwanted area.
    3. Other techniques include using the scissors or knife tools!

Creating A color Palette

  1. Finish your outlines
  2. Create outlines (Type > Create Outlines)
  3. Group your outlines (select all of the outlines only and hit Command G)
  4. Use the white selection tool to close any GAPS between shapes that will be in color
  5. Copy and paste your outlines only to a new 8.5"x11" document
  6. Find a colored image that you want to base your COLOR palette on
  7. Place the colored image onto your document (file > place)
  8. Choose the colored image, make it small and drag it to the top LEFT area outside of your page
  9. Create outlines by selecting the image, and click the little arrow next to the LIVE TRACE button (top of page), select High Fidelity Color from the pop up menu
  10. Click EXPAND
  11. Make sure the colored image is still selected
  12. Go to your Color Swatches Palette
  13. Click the little arrow at the top right corner of the swatches palette
  14. Choose NEW COLOR GROUP
  15. Name it, click OK
  16. On your swatches, you will now see ALL of the colors from the colored image

Applying Color

    1. Select all of your super hero
    2. Click on the LIVE PAINT BUCKET TOOL
    3. Select the Colors from the color palette that you want to apply
    4. Begin choosing the sections of your superhero to create SHAPES within the outlines
      • NOTE: if the area is not FULLY enclosed, you will not be able to create a shape.
    5. Be careful not to click ON the outlines, or the outlines will change color, keep the outlines BLACK
    6. Make sure you click the EXPAND button and MERGE LIVE PAINT when it appears that the top
      1. <------ This is the expand button that will appear that the top of the page after you use the live paint bucket. If you don't click this... it will not wo

Gradient Fill

    1. Make sure that you have EXPANDED your live paint selections
    2. Now that all of your shapes have been created you are going to fill them with gradient fills to create a more 3-Dimentional appearance
    3. Each individual color shape with the WHITE ARROW
    4. Choose the GRADIENT tool
    5. Double click the tiny boxes under the gradient line, this will allow you to select the color
    6. Select from your color palette that you have created
    7. Select the colors that you wish to apply to that shape
    8. Adjust the boxes, the angle and the colors to meet your fill look that you want

Uncooperative or Unique Shapes/ Areas

    1. There may be times that you cannot fill a shape with live paint. In this scenario, you will have to use the pen tool to draw in the shapes. (Like we did when we colorized the hulk)
    2. You will need to layer the shapes using Object > Arrange (send to back, bring forward, move background, bring to front)
    3. Ultimately, your black outlines need to always be move back to the TOP: Object > Arrange > Bring to Front

Poster Layout

    1. Create a new document in Illustrator (8.5"x11, or 11x8.5)
    2. Select the rounded rectangle tool.
    3. Set the corner radius to .25" (quarter inch)
    4. With the rounded rectangle tool, Click one time on the page, when the pop up appears, set the size to 7.5 x 10.
    5. Center the rounded edge rectangle with the background paper (you will be leaving a half inch border around the page)
    1. Draw another rounded rectangle (use a different color) that will be the same size ratio as your superhero (eyeball it)
    1. Select the move tool, and select all (both rectangular shapes). Use the align button and center the 2 shapes from left to right and top to bottom.
    2. Move the smaller rectangle toward the top of the page, by selecting it with the move tool, then use the up arrow on the keyboard to adjust the placement.
    3. Align the shape so that the sides and the top have even spacing, leave a heavier bottom (more space below the smaller rectangle to leave room to type in)
    4. Select all
    5. Use the LIVE PAINT tool and set the fill color to NONE
    6. Click inside the smaller rectangle
    7. Your smaller rectangle should now be a transparent hole inside the larger rectangle

Text On Poster

    1. Center align all text:
    2. Click the T (type) tool. Use the SAME font as you used for the FONT SUPER HERO
    3. In a large (headline font) type the SUPERHERO's name (you may create a name or use the actual name, or modify the original name like: SUPER-FONT-MAN instead of SUPERMAN
    4. Under the headline text type all font characters that are available to that font
      1. FIRST LINE: all lowercase + #s + all other keys
      2. SECOND LINE: all uppercase + Shift #s + shift all other keys
      3. THIRD LINE: All Option characters (some fonts do not have all of these characters)
      4. FOURTH LINE: ALL shift option character (some fonts do not have all of these characters)



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890-=[]\;',.`


å∫ç∂´ƒ©˙ˆ∆˚¬µ˜øπœ´ƒ©˙ˆ∆˚¬µ˜øπœ®ß†¨√ ¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠“‘«…æ≤≥≤≥÷


Adding your Superhero

    1. Copy and Paste your superhero to the new document
    2. Adjust the layout so that it appears as if your superhero is popping out from the background (for example, have the head overlap the top edge of the smaller opening, and maybe another body part)
    3. Modify any white space that may be between the superhero and the background
    4. Change the COLOR of the border to one that complements the superhero, however DO NOT use the main color of the superhero, as this will take away from the emphasis of the hero.