
John Kissingford Voicemail or Text: 970-325-3501

e-mail: jkissingford@ouray.k12.co.us

For P/T conferences, please use this link: meet.google.com/nfy-iyxw-fwr

Hello students and friends. Hopefully this website will serve as a useful tool for you.

Notice the Menu bar to the left. You'll find resources for every class: this website will serve as an information bank supporting your work in Schoology.


Orange days

1. 8:30-10:00 Dramatic Literature

2. 10:05-11:35 American Literature

3. 11:40-12:35 College Literature

LUNCH: 12:35-1:20

4. 1:20-2:50 Theater

5. 2:55-3:45 Journalism

Find me during the office and lunch hours above. I'm on your side: let me help you find your way! Anything else you need? Thoughts? Do contact me at the e-mail above.

Black days

1. 8:30-10:00 OFFICE HOUR

2. 10:05-11:35 Literature and the Hero

3. 11:40-12:35 College Literature

LUNCH: 12:35-1:20

4. 1:20-2:50 OFFICE HOUR

5. 2:55-3:45 Journalism

Ouray Schools website.

Introduce yourself to me, would you please? Log into your gmail account first, or you won't have permission...