Final Research Findings

Create a lesson for us about your topic, powered by a presentation, either on Drive or comparable software. Pay attention to the due date for sharing that presentation with me: you may not present until after you have guided me through a draft of it. Remember, your presentation is not your lesson... in effect, it is a sort of outline.

  1. Start with a journal entry question that will make us engage personally in the topic. (3 min.)
  2. Lead a brief discussion on the journal entry, and transition from that into enough background information that we can understand your thesis. (3 min.)
  3. Present your thesis. (and...)
  4. Explain what you discovered that led you to deep insight about this topic. Who are the most important authors that guided you to this conclusion? (3 min.)
  5. Present both sides of a controversy relevant to your thesis. (3 min.)
  6. Lead a discussion on that controversy. (5-7 min.)
  7. Summarize and respond to the class's opinions on the controversy. Where do you stand, finally? Why? (3 min.)


  • You may never have more than 12 words on a slide.
  • You may never read your slide to us.
  • Some part of your presentation must include video and/or audio.
  • Every slide must have some visual interest beyond words.
  • Don't be afraid to make us laugh.