Great American Novel

Your advice to the author of the Great American Novel:

  • Put it on the border between states, at the intersection of cultures that clash.

  • Show the hero going from rock-bottom to the top in terms of economic status... or have him fail first, and THEN succeed.

  • Show a universal life struggle.

  • The hero should never give up, no matter what.

  • Have three characters of different socio-economic classes interact, and see how they change in relation to each other.

  • Both sides of America, with both the benefits and drawbacks of our society

  • Big corporations vs. individuals

  • Make the story not too ordinary, but believable.

  • How about a time travel novel, so that characters from different times in American history confront each other?

  • Or Boomer v. Zoomer, confronting each other's values?

  • Make the novel about freedom, and what it means to be free.

  • How about the story of an immigrant and his/her process of assimilation?

  • What if it's a dozen diverse protagonists, from every part of the country?

  • How about, finally, a woman as the main character?!!!

  • Rock and roll, man. Or Jazz. But definitely music.

  • Sarcasm and humor

  • Confrontation between the values of love and money

  • Unreliable narrator

  • Cultural appropriation

  • Exploitation of the vulnerable

Among the four books you read this year, which one best fulfills the criteria you composed? Which is the Great American Novel?