Literary essay on era(s)...

Write an essay in which you describe how any one piece of American literature is a perfect illustration of the literary era during which it was written.


Authors from every literary era write in reaction the literature that preceded them. Write an essay in which you connect any two pieces of American literature. What similarities do you see between them? How are they different? How do their contrasts illuminate the differences between the two literary eras in which they were written?

Introduction: You might begin with a discussion of the era(s) in question. What significant event(s) most shaped the author(s)’s approach, attitude, philosophy?

Body: devote at least three paragraphs to various aspects of the text(s). Use quotations appropriately for support. A typical body paragraph:

topic sentence

introduce quote, fit it and cite it, explain quote.

introduce quote, fit it and cite it, explain quote.

introduce quote, fit it and cite it, explain quote.

summary sentence

Conclusion: Be profound. Answer the question, “SO WHAT?” What is so important about the way of thinking typical of this era? or so important about the change that took place in thinking between these eras?

Use MLA format, including a works cited page.