Dictator project

1. Preliminary research: Find out what you can about one of the men on the following list.

  • Kim Il-Sung, Korea (Asia):

  • Pol Pot, Cambodia (Southeast Asia):

  • Muammar Gaddafi, Libya (Arab world):

  • Nicolae Ceausescu, Romania (Eastern Europe):

  • Josef Stalin, Russia (Europe/Asia):

  • Leopold II, Belgium (European colonial rule in Africa):

  • Mobutu Sese Seko, Democratic Republic of Congo/Zaire (Africa):

  • Idi Amin Dada, Uganda (Africa):

  • Anastasio Somoza Garcia (and his sons), Nicaragua (Latin America):

  • Agosto Pinochet, Chile (South America):

  • Rafael Trujillo, Dominican Republic (Latin America):

2. Read Wikipedia, if you like, as well as other sites. Questions:

  • How did he come to power? Who supported him? When?

  • How long was he in power? How was he perceived in the country? In the world?

  • What were his strategies for maintaining control of the country?

  • What kind of life did he lead while in power? What gave him pleasure?

  • What were the results, both good and bad, of his reign?

  • What was his foreign policy?

  • How did his reign end? Who resisted him? How did they finally succeed?

  • Who succeeded him? How did that work out? What is the government there like today?

3. Create a presentation that highlights his career and its effects. Be sure to use (and cite) imagery. You need a Works Cited Slide.

4. Use it to give a 5-minute talk on this guy's particular kind of crazy. Give us a feel for him... Astound us. Body count? Weird habits? Outrageous distortions of personality?