Heroism Project

1. Design a website dedicated to someone who has made a positive impact in the world.

Give credit to all sources through MLA citation. Every fact and image must be appropriately credited. Include at least one image on each page. Somewhere in your site, embed or link to at least one relevant video. Do not copy/paste: fit quotes into the structure of your sentences!

Include the following pages (you may combine pages if it helps you to tell your hero's story coherently):

Definition: According to you, what makes a hero? To explain , give at least three real-life examples.

Overview: Give us the general outlines of your hero's life, including

--The problem: What injustice(s) is/was your hero responding to?

--The Call to action: What was the last straw? the thing that forced him/her to act?

--The Action: What heroic actions did your hero take?

--The Results: What has your hero accomplished?

Quotes: Your favorite 5-7 things your hero said.

Links: Link to at least five resources that will provide further information about your hero. At least two must be newspaper or magazine articles.

Works cited: Use Citation Machine to create a correctly formatted page of resources.

  • Show off your website:
    • share the link with me
    • guide us quickly through it:
      • What are the three things we shouldn't miss?

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf ( BRAYDEN ), Leymah Gbowee ( HANNAH ), Tawakkol Karman ( ), Liu Xiaobo ( CLIFF ), Malala Yousafzai ( ASHTON ), Rigoberta Menchú Tum ( ), Mother Teresa( AVA ), Claudette Colvin( KAILEE ), Jane Addams ( ), Nelson Mandela ( CASON ), The 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) ( MICA ),Desmond Mpilo Tutu ( ANNA ), Helen Keller ( LUNA ), Emily Pankhurst ( AARON ).

2. Write a speech that answers the question, "What makes a hero?"

  • AVOID DICTIONARY DEFINITIONS. (what do YOU have to say, that nobody else might?)
  • Instead, look at the qualities of people you admire.
  • What sets them apart? What ties them together?
  • Look for inspiration in the websites your friends made:

Your speech must:

  • Quote three different heroes.
  • Use facts from the lives of three different heroes.
  • Cite your sources.

At least one of the heroes you quote or describe in your speech must be someone on the above list.


Introduction should ANSWER THE QUESTION: What makes a hero, according to you?

Each body paragraph should show one ASPECT of heroism...

The examples, the support, should come from the lives of your heroes.

Wrap up each body paragraph with a deep thought.

Conclusion should answer the question SO WHAT?


Support your speech with a prezi or google drive presentation.

  • No more than 15 words per slide.
  • An image on each slide.
  • You may not read from the slides

For extra credit: Also present an original piece of artwork (in any medium) that gets across the idea of your favorite quote.

Poem? Painting? Song?