Does Money Make you Mean?

Here's a fun Ted talk.

Some relevant links:

GET READY TO WRITE: Taking into account your reading of literature, any two of the above (or other) links, and Paul Piff's talk, what deep idea has occurred to you about generosity and/or selfishness and/or success and/or the American Dream or way of life...? Make a statement in as clear terms as you can.

Take notes from all four sources. You'll write an essay where you support your thesis convincingly. You'll only have the 50 minutes to do it, so get your ducks in a row!

WRITE: Based on your reading of The Grapes of Wrath and/or The Great Gatsby as well as at least two of the above (or other) links, what response do you have to Paul Piff's ideas? Support your thesis with clear reference to all four sources.