The Novel

12 year old journal writer, it turns out. His dreams and fantasies.

MACKENZIE WEBB! Somebody goes crazy and don't know what's making them crazy. Something in the snow. Starts in the kids first, then the guy shoveling snow... cough, breathe... Fire! Pyromaniacs! Town starts burning... Who is NOT infected? how do they deal? Where is the cure? The kids go crazy they start hurting themselves and others. No one can come and help the town because they are snowed in and all the power is down. They lock the kids up because they don’t know what to do but then the adults start going crazy too. Main character- an ex-army soldier who has camping in the mountains when the blizzard hit. He walked into town to stay. When he gets into town he gets attacked by the crazy people. He takes over in the school gym where he finds other people who have not been infected. The crazy people turn cannibalistic. Animals don’t get infected. the army guy is immune. He got a shot in the arm which made him immune so he had to give people his blood. The blood has an infection which causes humans to eat brains. After a couple people were dead, they decided to stop drinking his blood. The crazy people infected start coming back to normal. When they woke up the whole town freezes over. Right when the suffrage end, the people drop dead and the whole species went extinct. Lead in the blood stream is the immunity. The army dude is weak while others are stronger.

2. There's a kid who's bullied. Moves here in 7th grade, as sophomore he's still the "new kid." Lots of scenes of him getting rejected over the years. His rage building up. when he gets angry he gets very strong and goes into a rage that he can’t control. He ends up hurting the kid who is nice to him. He feels so angry and sad that he destroys the whole town. He falls off a cliff, but finds out he can heal himself. then the army is chasing him down and he has to run away. He hides in the mountains. Big foot comes out the cave where he tries to hide. Big foot offers him beef jerky It was super spicy (the kid who is bullied) hates spicy jerky. So he gets mad at bigfoot. He tries to leave but Bigfoot does not let him go, they become friends and move on to the next town to destroy it.

JOHN PAUL PRESTON! A werewolf is on the loose... nobody knows who (what) it is. Everyone suspects he's one of the teachers... we might have guessed from his behavior in class. Classroom is dark, he has moon posters, space posters, everywhere. Counts days to full moons, doesn't teach science. Problem kids keep disappearing mysteriously. Turns out to be the popular kid: cool, douchebag type. Teacher is a werewolf hunter. Teacher was actually making the prey kids disappear. SO at the beginning of the story a new kid moves to upstate Washington near Canada and lives with his divorced dad. And he goes to high school and the school just flat out weird man. Students look half dead meth addicts. And the kid gets made fun of alot by three jerks and when ever the jerks get mad their eyes start to turn yellow and their teeth extend. Then the kid comes one day and he believes that his father is a vampire. And he tries to fight the jerks and discovers that his dad is a vampire sucking his stepmoms blood and his teacher is a werewolf hunter. And he teams up with the teacher and fights the werewolves and becomes a hunter after his teacher got eaten by the werewolves. His dad also helps him fight the werewolves and then the kids name turns out to be Van and his middle name is Helsing.

CHASE WEBSTER! Secret cult in the mine. A high school kid is initiated. The rites are WEIRD. What does the cult do? All about saving the small town's economy... don't interfere! okay anyways the secret organization is actually known as the Illuminati. The cult wants me dead because I know about their secrets about new world order and they also want me to join because I know. The illuminati has to kill people to keep their power. He kicks them out of the town. The organization punishes him and puts him in a constant nightmare. He goes between his biggest fears. He eventually proves that he is not scared of them anymore. He wakes up from the nightmares, and kills off the organization.

5. James is after his ex-girlfriend, because he finds out she is a spy. His boss orders him to go kill her, because they were not supposed to be together. He is about to kill her, but he can’t because he still loves her. He gets kicked out of the organization he is part of, and runs away with her. Both of their organizations come after them. James finds out that the crime she was accused of, was all false. James decides his career and life is very corrupt. He uses

ELI CRANDALL! Stuck out of time: London in 1890's, California in 1960's, future apocalypse, has to stop the kid who was bullied from causing the apocalypse, and causes it. IMAGE: Blue light on a space/time line. Jump into the space. Many accidents! Another time traveler has been following him... turns out to be him...this time traveler tries to be a hero but constantly messes up so he has to go back in time and constantly fix it. He spends his time trying to figure out his small mistakes and fixing them. He ends up succeeding but made a huge mess of things. He goes crazy from all the things that he has seen and spends his days in a mental hospital.

7. Curse: Whoever is born in this town cannot leave. Huge invisible barrier. Stuck IN time: nothing happens, nobody changes. Clocks don't move. A day is a year. Nobody can think differently. One person feels curious, leaves into the real world. Everyone else conforms, everything the same. Does the person return? Has everything changed lightning speed in his absence? Nobody knows about the barrier except this one person. this person ventures outside the barrier. nobody realizes anyone is gone. When person returns, everything has changed, time moves at lightning speed. He left to break the curse but the curse cannot be broken because Jack Sparrow comes along with the black pearl also know as a ship. But the ship gets caught on fire and the people think that curse has broken.

HALEY HALES! Someone goes missing, and when the main character tries to find him/her, s/he goes down all sorts of roads that lead back to Ouray. Why is there no escape?! Main characters goes missing, she tries to leave ouray to find him, but all roads circle back. In the process she realizes nobody’s ever actually left Ouray, but many have gone

missing. She decides to leave her life behind and track through the San Juans. What she finds is Filled with conspiracy, militia, and a post apocalyptic outside world.


A man is stuck in Ouray, CO going mentally insane. His wife has been missing for three years now. (describing the missing posters) He thinks that he has to go and find her throughout the mountains and ends up next to the ocean with no hope. Family or friend try to stop him before he goes but there is no way his mind is made up. He is searching for something that cannot be found.

9. Girl is knocked in the head, falls into Ridgway Res: what led to it? thing that she got involved in... the blogging... we have to stop this before... hmm. yeah. it's kind of weird. Can I just send it to you later?

Falls with her phone and got electrocuted. There were puranas. There was a whale. It turns out it is an aquarium not a reservoir. She was swimming to the edge when she thought she saw a shark, but it really was a dolphin that gave her a ride to the mermaids. She falls in love with a boy mermaid. The deeper she swims the farther she travels in time, and eventually gets to the dino time and drowns.

Or it could go in this direction…

She floats there for weeks on end. No one really wants to fish her out of the water. Everybody notices her but doesn't want to help. Her body is perfectly preserved. Whenever someone tries to get her they end up dying. She realizes later that she died and is still stuck floating in the reservoir. (She should probably be on a river to make it more interesting.) She has to come to grips that she died. At first she can’t let go of her life, but dead relatives come and visit her on the river.Finally after something happens she has to let go of life.

JENNIFER MIRELES! A guy wakes up one day and finds that there is a man hunt for himself for the murdering of a government official. He has no idea why this is happening to him, but he has all the weapons in his house and the evidence that he was at the murder. He has to go on the run and figure out who did this to him. He realizes throughout the story that he was once an agent and has a split personality disorder. To survive he keeps switching back to the crazy killer and killing the people who try to kill him. He feels awful about what he’s done when he is actually himself. Climax he ends up having to kill the evil part of him and comes to terms with what he did.

11. Love story Guy never talks (like most guys) New girl in school talks a whole lot, befriends him, he falls in love with her. Does she require?

Bella moves to a small town in Colorado. She finds a really white(pale) guy. She’s super jealous of the lotion he uses, because it’s sparkly and smells good. His lips are red like apple, and his teeth couldn’t be in better shape. He tries to be sweet and bite her, and makes her bleed. She socks him in the face. She starts running, and he flies towards her. his wing gets stuck in a trash can. It was 9pm(bear hunting time). As he tries to get his wing out he starts ripping it and blood goes all over him. He screams so loud, he attracts three bears. Looking around not knowing what to do, he tries to fight back. He’s too weak, but bella come back. I love you, i’ll help fight. He ends up eating her.

MIYA SAUNDERS! What if this guy wakes up in Ouray and it's completely deserted? He's surviving, but these amnesiacs keep popping up. Together they try to solve the mystery…. Waking up to to my arms and legs shivering. My mouth dry and my fingers numb, its super cold and windy. Most buildings are on fire, i began to walk to the middle of town. Everythings white, i like to think its snow.I have to cough every minute, i haven't even been here for ten minutes and i feel like my lungs are half way done. All the ashes around and all the heat from the buildings is making me sick. It seems like theres no one else here all of the lights off. if it wasnt for the houses burning down, this town would probably be pitch black. Surrounded by mountains, everywhere i turn. Is there any way out? Will i survive, even though everything's coming down.

JORDAN JASIEN! Jonathan’s eyes slowly crept open. He had a headache that was indescribable.

    • Big gash on the back of the head
    • Very dizzy
    • blurred eyesight
    • Jonathan slowly gets up to his feet
    • Ouray was empty
    • he was laying down in the middle of mainstreet with nothing
    • Doors and windows were open
    • Not one car on the street
    • Stores and homes were empty
    • No animals around
    • Finds old lady
    • She keeps murmuring things not understandable
    • she is wide eyed
    • talks very fast
    • nothing moves but her mouth
    • she is sitting on a bench
    • cuts and bruises all over her
    • will not respond or get up
    • chases version:
    • this dude is a bad ass hunter
    • he can kill any animal no problem
    • but suffers from the loneliness of being the only one in ouray
    • a lady is behind ducketts, sitting in the dirt.
    • she is very pale
    • does not remember a thing

They end up finding all the people of the town/.

CASSIDY CROWELL! I knew immediately afterwards that I would regret shooting diesel for the rest of my life. Nothing seemed to matter that night, though. If I was trying to end a feening-for-suicide spiral, ganj was usually my drug of choice. I don't know why though, it always depressed me more anyways. Then again, I don't know when I decided it would be okay to shoot heroin either. It all began with the cigarette that Chad gave me in the eighth grade. I liked the way it felt. I liked the burn on the flagella in the back of my throat. I liked the image that it gave me. I liked the small amount of relief that it gave me from my crazy life. Then, I was soon introduced to a finer drug. Marijuana became my drug of choice for all of freshman year. In between my drinking binges, I would smoke a couples bowl to myself as privately as possible because I didn't like to share. Near the end of freshman year, Rolland dumped me over something that still aches me when I think about it because i know that it was my fault. This put me in a pit of utter sadness. The weed wasn't doing it for me anymore. One night, I was with my friend Maria-Lilly. I bought xanex early that day from Lyle. That was the first night I popped pills. I never felt like I was doing drugs when i toked or when I drank, but after this night, I finally felt like I was doing something wrong. Things progressively got worse.