Creative Writing: NaNoWriMo

What does it take to write a novel? Let's find out! Hundreds of thousands of people around the world participate in National Novel Writing Month in November: between November 1 and 30, each attempts to create a 50,000 word story. Tens of thousands actually succeed...

Let's join them. In September and October, we'll learn about the novel form, understanding what goes into telling a sustained narrative, what makes a good book, why we humans love stories so much. By the end of October, we will have planned our collaboration: each of us will set a goal for the number of words and for the chapter(s) we want to create. And in November, we will write like crazy. At the end of the month, we'll piece together our book, and submit it to NaNoWriMo... specifically, their Young Writers Project... and by December we'll be doing a final edit, and publishing our book. Give it to Grandma for Christmas!

What an adventure!

times new roman 12 point single-spaced.

turn in portfolio weekly.