Fiction terms

Create a lesson in which you:

  1. Define your terms

  2. Apply them to Of Mice and Men

  3. Lead a discussion about how they apply to The Red Pony. How do the terms help us to understand something deep about that book?

  • Plot (exposition, complication(s), climax, falling action, resolution/denouement) - Jesus and Gerald

  • Setting - Luis

  • Character (dynamic v. static characters, round v. flat characters, indirect v. direct characterization. Foil characters.) - Sakoya

  • Point of view (first person, third person omniscient, third person limited, third person objective) - Lis

  • Theme - Catcher

  • Irony (dramatic, situational, verbal) - Ella

Write an essay in which you use at least two of them to answer the following question:

What fascinating, deep ideas come out of reading The Red Pony?

Your essay should be multi-paragraphed.

Each body paragraph might focus on one literary term, and must contain at least two quotes.

Your topic sentence (in each body paragraph) should be a deep idea that comes out of reading The Red Pony. The rest of the paragraph should explain how one of these literary devices helps us get that idea.