Interactive emails

E-mail is an important and often underused aspect of online marketing. You collect e-mail addresses from potential customers and send out periodic newsletters to let them know what’s going on with your company or products. How many of those e-mails go directly into the recipients’ spam folders? Of the users that do click on the e-mail, how many actually read it thoroughly and get the intended message from it?

If you want an effective e-mail marketing campaign, you need to find ways to get your recipients to engage with your messages. How can you do that? Take a look at interactive e-mail. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Interactive E-mail?

As its name implies, an interactive e-mail is an e-mail message that allows users to engage with it beyond just seeing photos and reading text. It includes dynamic elements such as videos, fillable forms, and more, that can be executed directly from your inbox.

Interactive email

Interactive email