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Transparency Through Engagement

Transparency is the future of digital advertising. On May 25, the European Union is enacting the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that will force businesses across Europe to comply with laws to protect citizens’ data privacy. These laws will prohibit pre-checked boxes on forms and data collection solicitations, as well as passive “cookie” acceptance notices. Location data, device IDs, and IP addresses will also be designated as private and protected under GDPR. For U.S. digital advertisers, this may sound like the apocalypse. It’s not. But it is a reality. With change, there is always opportunity, especially when it involves technology and human engagement.

Consent is about power and transparency. Consumers in every country dislike feeling like they have unwittingly given away their power—their consent. Remember: There is no sale, no purchase, without consumer consent. Brands and products must be more creative about building customer engagement in innovative ways that transparently explain why data is key to serving their needs. Consumers actually desire brands and products that become not just purchases, but part of their values and lifestyles. Amazon understands this. So does Apple, Google, and—especially now—Facebook. Businesses that are proactively transparent about the role of data in serving customers and building relationships are better prepared to compete in the future.

Digital Ads Engagement

Digital Ads Engagement