Custom banners designs - Static vs. Dynamic

Static Banner: Pros and Cons

As the name suggests, static ads are simply regular ads that are already pre-designed. This means that they don’t contain any additional media or moving elements. Static banners usually only contain text, an image, and a call to action.

The primary benefit of this type of banner is its universality. Advertising networks are more likely to accept static banners since they are easy to showcase on both desktop and mobile. Aside from their universality, static banners are also easy to create and easy to control.

However, the problem with static ads is that there is a lack of creativity. So, they may not seem appealing to a chunk of the audience. Moreover, there is a lack of user interaction as well. This is a big problem because ads are supposed to communicate with their audience.

As a result, with static banners, ad conversion rates may be stunted.

Dynamic Banner: Pros and Cons

The total opposite of static ads, dynamic banners — also known as dynamic rich media — are created based on user behavior. In other words, they can target cater specific content and promotions to specific users, and they are also interactive.

The best thing about dynamic ads is that their conversion rate is higher than static ads. Additionally, dynamic ads also increase visibility and brand loyalty. So, former users are inclined to come back to the website for more.

The only problem with this kind of banner is that it requires more effort and more money.

Dynamic Banner

Dynamic Banner