Stop Motion Project Objectives

Watch stop motion videos to see what the medium allows you to do. The goal is to develop a story and have something interesting, amazing, impossible, funny, or some type of plot twist that will impress your audience. This is a great opportunity to do something artistic and creative as an individual. Have fun!

Shoot the project. iStopmotion software gives you a preview of the previous shot taken and is on every machine in the studio. You may also use a digital camera on a tripod. This project must be shot on a tripod. If you choose to shoot on you own camera, be sure you can transfer the files to the iMacs in the studio and change the user preferences in Final Cut Pro under the editing tab, still/freeze duration to 00:00:00:01 or 1 frame. Do this before you import the pictures.

The project should be at least 1 minute long. So, 15-30 frames per second (depending on how smooth you want the action to look); x 60 seconds= 900-1800 Frames (or pictures).


First 10 seconds due Thursday, 11-9-12 (25 pts)

Production Tasks

The final edit will be graded accordingly on Thursday, 11-29-12 (100pts):